Rainy day crushing (Wally x reader)

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The sudden bang of thunder made Wally jump in shock! If this thunder didn't stop he just might mess up his painting. He didn't want to jump and accidentally smear a spot on the canvas. Perhaps it was time for a break. Maybe he could watch the rain fall, or call somebody to come over, though he doubted they would come over in such a downpour. It couldn't hurt to try. Every call was an unanswered call. When he finally got to the final number, he waited a little while longer. Neighbor usually had a bit of spare time. Still nothing. Oh well, it was worth a shot. He gave up on the phone, and stared outside. The first thing that caught his eye was Neighbor. Neighbor was battling the harsh winds to force their way toward Howdy's place. Well that explained why they couldn't answer the phone. He decided to write a chore list for things to do today.

Usually Wally didn't mind being alone, but he usually had his painting to keep him busy, and the thunder crackling made it hard to keep a steady hand. As he listened to the radio, a romantic song came on, and he couldn't help but think of his Neighbor. He wrote "Wally and Neighbor" at the bottom of his chore list, and a little heart encasing their names. Of course he'd never let Neighbor see his little love sketches. He would just admire the little things from afar, and keep them inside.

Just then something caught his eye through the thick rainfall. Two umbrellas were outside. It was Neighbor, and they walking with.... Howdy? Why were they walking together through the rain? Did Neighbor need to be walked home? He then felt his throat tighten. When they stopped at Neighbor's house, they hugged Howdy. Did Neighbor... just lift up a leg? He dipped out of sight, and back to his kitchen. It took every ounce of strength to not write under the heart that held their names. "And not Howdy!"


"Thanks for walking me home Howdy. I didn't want to trip in the rain and get hurt." You said holding the umbrella handing it over.

"Don't mention it." He said giving you a hug. You gladly accept it.

He was so tall you felt yourself get lifted off your legs. "Ooh, you seem to get stronger every day." He laughed ruffling your hair as you watched him leave. As he left you saw two observant eyes across the road. He left the window, and decided to stop being so nosey. Maybe spending some time with Wally was called for. You bundled up your raincoat, and sprinted with your bags across the road.

You give a knock and hear the radio inside turn off. You open the door, and announce yourself.


"Oh my goodness." You saw the host piling papers frantically top of something when you walked in. Wally had a big blush when you got close. "Neighbor, what a pleasant surprise." He said sitting straight. You could sense something was up. "What brings you over here?"

You sat the shopping bag down. "I was coming back from Howdy's and decided to stop by." You pulled out some cookies, and placed them on the table. "I hope you don't mind. I needed some company in wrapping a gift. It's a gift for Howdy." At this Wally was getting the idea that Howdy was dating you.

"I'll get some milk for your cookies." He said standing up heading towards the fridge. "So.... I saw Howdy walking you home." He said walking back in. "He hugged you.... do you... like him?" In his brain he kept repeating "please say no, please say no, please say no, please say no!"

You giggled. "Of course. I love all the residents of Home." When you looked up his face said that was not what he meant.

"I mean romantically. When he hugged you, your leg went up, like this." He kicked his foot back pointing his toe upwards. "I've seen enough romantic movies to know that means romance."

Did you do that? You hardly noticed. "I didn't even know I did that. Oh, Wally. Howdy and I aren't dating. Trust me. If I were dating anybody, you would be the first to know."

Wally paused looking down. "Oh, of course. I feel silly." He grinned knowing the dream still lived. As you got to work wrapping the gift, Wally sat on the couch next to you. You felt his eyes focused on your ribbons, and you placed a book into the box. Once all that was done, you wrote on the tag "To Howdy"  You felt him shuffle a little closer. "You're done?" He asked. You nodded, and placed it in the kitchen to remember to take it home after the visit. While in the kitchen you decided to sneak a peek at what it was Wally was hiding. Upon lifting a paper you saw a little heart with his name, and his pet name for you.

"Oh." You whispered to yourself. You smiled you face turning red. "Oh, I see." You couldn't help but be flattered. "Hey, Wally? If you don't mind, I wouldn't be offended if you let me stay till the rain stopped." He looked in your direction.

"Uhh sure." He said watching you sit back down. As you sat down you watched his hand slowly slide your way. You took it in yours and grinned. He gasped and stared in your eyes. "I-I want you to stay."

Before he could say more, you kissed his forehead with a wink. He curled himself in shyly, looking up at you with hearts glowing in his eyes.

"You wanna cuddle Neighbor?"

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