REQUESTED A fruit eater? (Hunter Wally x vampire reader)

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The forest was quiet and calm. Snow softened any echoing noise. The low howl of nocturnal canines could be heard in the far off distance. Wally walked through the thick blanket of snow. The warm glow of his village was now far behind him. He was responding to reports of vampire attacks, and was sent to exterminate the culprit. The occasional attack was on livestock, but the vampire's true prey were the villagers, and he needed to step in when individuals were being killed, or worse, turned into vampires themselves.

He made the soft snow crunch with every step he made. The tracks were clear in the snow, and considering there were no other tracks, like deer or bird, it was clear vampires were close by. Time to scan. Once he was in a clearing he checked the trees. There were no bats. At least none he could see. It was time for the old fashioned call. "Hello....hello...." He heard a wicked laugh. "Were you expecting a warm welcome?" Behind him he saw a bat scaling upside down along a branch. Wally scowled. "Percy. I missed you last time. Remember what I said about turning villagers into vampires." He transformed back to his normal form, standing on the branch leaning against the trunk. "Sorry, been a bit hungry, I can't recall on an empty stomach." He said with an impish smile. Wally rolled his eyes. "I said if you turn anybody, there would be consequences."

He laughed and leaped down to the ground. "They didn't seem all that upset. They seemed rather happy. I taught them how to hunt. Problem though. The forest is running thin, on deer, so we got into a dairy farm." Wally nodded. At least they were civil. "And we dried the farmer." There it was. "Percy Basil you are charged with the murder of three children, one man and two teenage girls." Percy smirked. "I've been a vampire for less than a year. Might as well have a little fun." Wally sighed. "I hate when the young forget to practice self discipline." Percy snarled and ran towards Wally, who positioned a stake right in the path of the vampire. He gasped looking down. "I'm sorry you were never taught proper restraint." He sighed as Percy screamed deteriorating into nothing more than a pile of collapsed brown bones.

He hated doing that. It painted a big target on his back, to call for vampires, but then he heard something. A flapping sound. An injured bird maybe? It was larger than a finch, smaller than a starling. Possibly a vampire in bat form. Wally followed the sound, and came upon a trail. It looked less like a trail and more like a struggling timeline. There were wing marks, and big body prints on the trail. Whatever was here was suffering. He followed the print to an injured bat. They were small and clearly unable to fly. The way they were floundering showed they were trying to fly away.

Wally took a few steps toward the creature's direction, and told them. "You stop." He squinted his eyes. They turned back and tried to move faster. He rolled his eyes pulling out his pistol. The wing looked badly injured. "Stop moving or I'll take out your other wing." She stopped scratching the snow with her hook claw, and remained motionless. Wally took no chances, and once she stopped writhing, he took out his cross. His wooden one seemed most appropriate. This vampire didn't seem to troublesome anyways. He circled around it, and squatted down. "Lift your head. Let me see your face." He said holding the cross up in case she lunged. When the bay lifted up there was no sharp turn away. She merely looked at the cross and him.

"Usually my perps turn away from my crosses. You are a rare exception." He gently laid it over her body, thinking that if it didn't affect then he could at least hold her down. Wally didn't know how to approached this situation. He reached for his holy water. A few drips on her, and still nothing. Was she even a vampire. He held up a mirror, pointed it at her, and, when he looked there was no reflection. She was stumping him. I'm going to ask you questions, and I need answers. Can you do that." The disabled vampire nodded. "Yes. If I answer all the questions can you help my wing?" She gasped. He sighed. "Depends on the answers."

"Are you alone?" He asked looking around. She nodded. "I'm always alone. Rejected by all others. I live a solitary life. No nest. No companions." He lifted the cross off her, and picked her up. "Why do you not go into agony at the cross?" Wally asked. She shook her head. "Because I don't drink blood" Wally's eyes narrowed. "All vampires drink blood." She waved her good wing. "No! I don't. Water, fruits, and vegetables." That seemed so unlikely, but did explain the reason so many crops seemed to have been stolen without any footprints. He was not seeing any ill intent with this vampire. "Listen to me. I'm going to take you to the village. Stay like a bat till we get to my home. Can you do that!" She nodded.

He opened his empty satchel, and placed her inside. He then looped it around his neck. "It's convenient that I already took care of the perp that I cane here for." He made his way back to the village, and after what felt like an hour, he pulled the bat out. He laid her on the couch, and waved to her. "Alright. I need you to change back. If you're bigger, I can treat you more easily." He said reaching into a box that said FIRST AID KIT on the side. He placed a few supplies on the table and heard the transformation behind him. He looked and the vampire was pulled tight, looking a bit frightened. "Don't be afraid." He got her to uncurl herself, so he could better treat her.

He saw she had arm wounds, but also was covered in dirt. She needed a shower. "Alright. Follow me." He led her to the washroom, and filled the tub. "I need to wash you up, before taking care of you. So I'll just.... turn around." He waited till she was trusting enough, and got to cleaning. When he heard her get in, he turned back around. He grabbed a wash rag, and wiped her face. "I think it's best.... You stay here for the night, and day." The vampire turned rosy. Wally kept his face to the side trying to hide his own face. He held up her injured arm scrubbing the wounds being especially careful not to irritate them.

Once he tended to her arm, he let her finish her cleaning. He gave her a white robe to change into, and waited in the living room. This was uncommon for him, and extremely dangerous. Vampires often turn on those that trust them, but since she seemed safe, he didn't dare.

She came out and when she was all cleaned up, he blushed. She cleaned up well to say the least. "Uhh... right then. Let's get you fixed up." He led her to the couch, and poured the antibiotics over her arm, and stitch her wounds up. A bit of gauze helped keep the area clean. "There. Good as new." He smirked. As a thank you, she grinned and placed her lips on his. He shuddered, and pulled her back devouring her lips. He gripped her close to his body.

"You are going to be very bad for business."

Welcome home oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora