Seven minutes in heaven (Wally x fem reader)

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(Apparently it's all the rage! LOL)

(Borrowed from fangurl1234567890 )

You sat in front of your house on the porch, waiting for Eddie to bring around the mail. In the distance he came up and that got you bouncing up. "Hey Y/N here's your mail." You thanked him, even though it was just one piece. The envelope said Julie. "Julie sent me a letter?" You opened it up, as Eddie walked across the street to hand Wally his mail. It was a party invite.

You are formally invited
Julie's slumber party
Party starts tonight at six thirty.
Bring pajamas, a change of clothes, and a casual handheld item of your choosing
Tip: helps if it's easy to identify as yours

As you read the invite, you saw Wally reading his as well. Clearly the neighborhood all got invitations. You got a duffle bag ready, packing everything you needed. Now all that was left was bring a hand held item. You decided on a ribbon. Everybody knew you loved ribbons. You tied it into a bow, and stacked it on top of your duffle.

At six twenty five, you grabbed everything and walk out toward Julie. Wally burst out the door, and walked with you. "Neighbor! Are you headed to the party too?" You nodded your head, and held up your duffle bag. He smiled widely doing the same. He held a hand out. "You wanna hold hands? We can walk together." He asked leaving an open hand out. You couldn't deny the open hand that was wanting to be held. You took his hand, and saw him breathe in deep. Wally always enjoyed holding your hand. You raised an eyebrow when he laced his fingers with yours.

"So what was your handheld item?" You asked as you both walked. "It's this." He held up his paintbrush. "It's my paintbrush. It's a detailing brush for those small details on my canvas." He said placing it back in his bag. "What is your handheld item?" He asked curious. "It's right here." You said holding the silk ribbon. "It's from my craft supplies. You know how much I love these ribbons." You handed it to him and he admired the color. "I like how soft it is." He said holding it to his cheek. "Oh after the party you can keep it." This certainly seemed to make his night. He handed it back when you made it to Julie's home.

Julie welcomed you the moment you knocked on the door. The two of you walked in, and Julie held up a pillowcase. "Feel free to drop off your handheld items in here. No peeking inside, though." You smirked, and put in your bundled up ribbon, and Wally placed in his paint brush. "It'll help us in a game, later, and it's perfect, because now everyone is here." You were curious of what she had planned, and didn't know what it could be. Your thoughts were cut off, when you walked into the living room. Every bit of furniture was moved, and everybody was listening to music. Some were dancing. As if the timing couldn't be better a real classic came on the radio.

"There she was just a walking down the street singin DO WA DIDDY DIDDY DUM DIDDY DO"

You felt Sally grab your hand pulling you out to the area that was the makeshift dance floor. She was certainly in the mood to dance, and she picked you as her dance partner. You couldn't deny she certainly had some perfect dance moves.

Wally's POV

Neighbor was pulled out onto the dance floor so fast Wally had hardly any chance to register what happened. He watched Sally dance with Neighbor and the song was far too fast paced to cut in for a turn. He was feeling.... alright maybe a little jealous. It's not like Sally even asked. She just yanked Neighbor right out to dance. Why did... "Oh, N-N-Neighor." He quietly whispered to himself. When she twirled her long skirt flared like a dazzling flower! Did she choose that dress on purpose? Just for the party? Oh no! His face. He felt it turning red. Was this really happening in front of everyone?  By the end of the song, everybody was just clapping like it was just some dance, but Wally knew Neighbor made it more than that.

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