REQUESTED Not a Catholic home (Vaquero Wally x reader)

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You were enjoying a nice relaxing night on the front porch of Wally's place. The little chili pepper lights that were strung along the awning glowed softly. The long legged Wally sat across from you, his boots propped up on a cooler. A half static station played Latin Pop between you two. Next to that a bottle of mezcal. He poured a bit of it into a glass. You could tell a mile away that he was horrified of visiting your parents the next day. They heard that you had a new squeeze, and you told them he was super cute. Once they heard that they insisted they meet him, and who could deny them? Certainly not you. If you did, their opinions of him would turn to worst. It was best to let them know.

He groaned swirling the worm in the bottle of tequila around, spinning it nervously. He placed it down, and clutched his head. "Estoy molesto. What if I am not all they dreamed?" You took his chin raising it up. "They will love you." You said kissing him. He calmed after the smooch. Such a cutie. He turned up the radio, and slow danced with you to "Solo Para ti." He loved to dance, and though you were a bit shy, he always had time to let you move to your own pace, knowing you didn't do much dancing with others as a child. "Te amo."


The next day, you stood at the front door of your parents house. The nervous wreck next to you was shaking, so you held his hand. He felt eased a bit. He was still shaking in his boots, but you calmed him. "Just be polite. Focus on your English, and keep small objects away from my little brother. He's teething and I don't want him to choke on anything." Wally would be careful on remembering that one. He would remember to keep his pockets secure. He slipped his hands in his pockets when You rang the doorbell. Immediately your mother answered the door.Thank God it was your mom.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to have you two here. Welcome back honey." You leaned into your mom's hug. She was wearing her best perfume, and her finest jewelry. You would've thought she was trying to impress Wally and not the other way around. She then turned her attention toward Wally. "And you must be Wally. You're such a handsome young man. Welcome to our home." She said waving you both in. The house wafted of their favorite candle scents. They always lit the fruity flavored candles, that smelled like a fruit stand. You were into more bolder scents. Perhaps why you like Wally's smell.

Once inside your father stood in the center of the room, towering over everybody. He was the ultimate tester. You saw Wally's eyes slowly rise up to him. He looked straight at you his eyes squinting in his smile. Once in front of him, he gave some pats on the back. He then looked at Wally. "You must be Wally." He said holding out his massive hand. Wally slowly held out a hand, and felt the strong grip the man. It rattled him as he tried to match with his own. "Well you have a proper grip I'll give that much, boy." He grinned. "Gracias." Your fathers face spiked to alertness, as did your own.

"You do speak English, don't you, son?" Wally quickly cleared his throat. "Yes, yes I do speak English. I am learning a few more words that are longer." He said swearing his abilities. "I speak English well, and can register it a lot easier." He nodded, taking off his hat in a submissive nature. Your dad was focusing on wether or not he was qualified. You knew better than anybody that your father was tough, but since he hadn't exploded yet it seemed okay. "Oh hum will you lighten up? He's taking like a leaf. Ease up. He's not here to J loop cause trouble. He should feel welcome here."

Then out of nowhere you hear a squeal of happiness. Your baby brother ran up to you gnawing on a soft teething toy. Wally looked down. "Oh, he's precious." He turned to your father. "May I hold him?" To your surprise he allowed it. Wally lifted him up cuddling the little one. For the next hour, things seemed to be going smoothly. Wally was winning over your mother with great charisma. Your father... well he didn't sneer, but he did stay quiet. Everything seemed right with the world. That was when disaster struck.

As Wally was recounting a story of how they met, your little brother waddled over to Wally to inspect his person. He was drawn in by the shiny belt buckle and the buttons on his sleeves. Then there was something else that he saw. Your brother reached the bro one of Wally's pockets pulling whatever it was. When Wally saw he swiftly jumped into action. He grabbed the beads stopping him. "No lo mastiques, te puedes ahogar." He exclaimed keeping the baby from the beads. You grinned as Wally kept your baby brother out of trouble.

Suddenly your father grabbed his wrist at lightning speed. The shock on Wally's face sent a cold shiver down your spine. He slowly pulled his arm closer. He slowly uncurled his fingers squinting. You felt even more alarmed when turned to you. "You don't know what this is do you?" He said looking at the object in his hands. You shrugged. "A necklace. What does it matter?" He shook his head. "No... this is a rosary. A Roman Catholic rosary." He peered angrily. "You're Catholic. This is not a Catholic home. You brought a Catholic into a Baptist home." Your mother tried to calm your father who stared daggers at Wally like he was the demon. "Degenerates. They drink alcohol, and have devious hearts. Praying to saints like they're God themselves."

You got in the way. "No dad. He's a good man!" He snarled. "He may a good man, but he IS NOT FOR YOU!" He argued. You explained. "No! He only drinks to loosen up when we dance!" At this your father list all control. "You and him are dancing? Do you want to stop being Baptist?" He sat down his blood pressure likely going through the roof.

"Please, leave the house, and take him with you. I need to think."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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