Chapter 2

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You wake up the next morning, the sleeping body in the opposite bed now gone. You rub the sleep from your eyes and slowly sit up while letting out a yawn, you stretch and then slide out of bed. You bend down and grab a pair of cargo jeans along with a black tank top.

Your in the midst of changing and the same 'sleeping' body walks in, your half naked.

"Get out!"

You exclaim loudly. You watch as he glances at you then quickly closes the door as he walks out. You finish changing then toss your dirty clothes into a corner of the room.


You say just loud enough so he can hear outside the door, he walks in and over to his bed almost immediately, stopping to look you up and down, the same way as last night, before walking to his bed 'almost immediately' .

You didn't notice how tall he stood last night, but he's quite large, height wise, while weight wise, he was fit. Though it was hard to see his body under his vest. He suddenly speaks, snapping you back to reality.

"So, what's your name?"

"I told you last night. Have you got short term memory or something?" You tease

"I was half asleep." He says more sternly, you were just making a joke. Did it piss him off?

"It's Y/N."

"König." He says in return.

You can't help but feel a little addicted to his voice, it didn't fit him much at all but something about it was so attractive.

"What's with the mask?" You suddenly say

You stay quiet for a moment waiting for a response, he doesn't say anything in return. You roll your eyes and sit on your bed before sliding your boots on.

You glance up at him every once in a while with his back facing you. You can't help but look him up and down, over, over, and over. He was so attractive, even though you've never seen his face. His body, was so.. He speaks before you can finish your thought and you jump.

"What's a tiny girl like you doing on one of the most important task forces?" He chuckles softly

His laugh.. Why did you feel so addicted to him when you knew nothing about him, not one thing but his name. Something about him drew you in, so easy, way too easy, you've never felt this way about just anyone before, absolutely never. He was stepping into forbidden territory and he hadn't even been aware.

"I'm capable of more then you may think." You say in return.

He just chuckles again, your stomach flips, Jesus... What was he doing? He had to of known what he was doing as he looked back at you. You quickly look away from him and continue to slide on your boots in hope that he didn't notice, or feel the stare you laid on him whilst his back was turned toward you.

"What might you be capable of?"

You think for a moment, his question sounded so inviting, seductive, was he trying to be that way? Was your mind just getting to you as always?

"Well perhaps having a female on the team could make things easier, females can come in handy many different ways.."

You can feel his gaze on you, his hard, cold, almost seductive gaze. You didn't need to look up and meet eyes with him to know how intense it was, the tension building in the air, you tie your boots and sit up, meeting his gaze.

He just stares, quiet, staring, like every little secret was plastered onto your face, he could see right through you, or so it felt like it. You just watch his eyes, they eventually break from your gaze and travel up and down your body, he had to of known what he was doing to you.

You can feel your skin grow bumpy, goose bumps all along you, his eyes travel around every curve, every mere inch of your body. You notice his eyes stop on your cleavage for a minute or two before meeting your gaze again. After a moment of intense, intimate staring he turns and walks out.

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