Chapter 68 | S2: Fixed Connections, New Relations

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Jay's POV

As I drove to school that morning, my mind was already a whirlwind of thoughts. The upcoming test was supposed to be the center of my attention, but I couldn't shake off the gnawing worry about my mom's arrival later afterrnoon. The idea of their arrival annoyed me to no end, and I clenched the steering wheel, my frustration evident.

As I walked into the school building, my mood wasn't improving. The lingering argument with Jungwon still played on my mind, the problem between us casting a shadow over my thoughts.

Sitting at my desk during the test, I stared blankly at the paper in front of me. My mind refused to focus on the questions, my thoughts drifting between my mom's and Jungwon.

"One's letter C." Heeseung whispered to me, maybe he noticed me fighting for my life.

During the break, Heeseung and I made my way to our usual meeting place, a spot where Jungwon, In and the others often hung out. I hoped that spending some time there might help me clear my head, but to my dismay, Jungwon was nowhere to be found.

I pulled out my phone and sent him a message, my irritation evident even in my text:



9:32 AM


Where are you?

I'll eat with Sunoo.



I sighed, my frustration mounting. It seemed like everyone was busy except for me. The feeling of being left behind only intensified the resentment I had been harboring, and I clenched my fists in my pockets.

I sat down on a bean bag, my anger simmering beneath the surface. Sunghoon walked over, his usual playful grin in place, but even his presence couldn't lift my mood.

"Hey, Old man!" he greeted cheerfully.

"Get away from me." I said, not wanting any of his playful shits.

"Where's your usual sidekick, Jungwon?" he asked, plopping down beside me.

"Off with your sidekick," I muttered, my frustration evident.

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow, his expression turning curious. "Oh... Everything okay?"

I let out a sigh, my frustration spilling over. "Just... dealing with some stuff. Can't seem to catch a break."

Sunghoon studied me for a moment before offering a sympathetic smile. "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to or hang out with, you know where to find me."

I managed a small nod, appreciating the gesture. But deep down, I couldn't shake off the turmoil that had been building within me. After break, I made my way to my football activity.

We were gearing up for a crucial play, one that would determine our grades for the first semester. The pressure was on, and I tried my best to focus on the game, but my mind was a mess of distractions.

As the play started, I positioned myself on the field, but before I knew it, I had messed up my part. The ball slipped through my fingers, and I stumbled, got bumped, ending up on the ground with a nasty twist to my ankle. Pain shot through me, and I clenched my teeth to keep from swearing out loud but...

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