chapter four ─ mind over matter

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act one , chapter four ...
mind over matter !

( spring, nineteen ninety-nine ! )

( now playing ... where is
my mind ─ pixies ! )

── ✧ ──


" SORRY ... "

THIS OFFICIALLY MADE THE MOVE OFFICIAL. Elvira did not like that one bit. Having Patrick over was one thing, but him helping unpack their things and put them away? That was another thing. A thing that Elvira did not want to happen. But she had to deal with it for the sake of her family. She didn't know how much of her sanity was going to be taken away, but they hoped that it wasn't going to take all of it. But right now, it seemed like Patrick was already vacuuming some of it that she had. One, because he wasn't organized enough to handle the task of unpacking in her room, and two, he kept complaining about they music that she was currently playing to get her first day of school out of her mind.

Elvira watched as Patrick carried another box up the stairs as she had been organizing her book case. She originally had Patrick do it, but the books hadn't been placed right, so she had to fix it. Another thing that took up time. And they didn't have much. Her mother and father wanted them fully moved in by next week.

Patrick puts the box down before he looks up at his younger cousin. A defeated sigh escapes his lips. "I did those wrong, too, huh?"

"Indeed you did," Elvira answered as she put the Children of the Corn with the rest of her horror books, "I organize them by genre. You should know this by now."

"Well, sorry that I didn't pay attention to the genre," Patrick scoffed, before looking at the box that he just brought up to her room, "What's in this box?"

"Why don't you open it and find out."

Patrick rolled his eyes, before opening the box to see plants. A raise of his brow. "Um. . . Why are there plants in here?" He asks.

This is when Elvira fully turns around and walks toward the box. You could tell that she had been waiting to tend to her plants for a while, because she took out one of them, a pleased expression on her face.

I'M DUMB, SHE'S A LESBIAN (BIANCA STRATFORD!)Where stories live. Discover now