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Sanemi was flown away, leaving Giyuu alone with the kids, and the girl.

"You know what to do." The red demon told the green and blue one, before he walked off.

"Ugh he left me with you, you're such a buzzkill." The green demon sighed before lifting his arm, that was holding a leaf.

Giyuu unsheathed his katana, thinking what that leaf could do, couldn't be good. "Leave the kids alone!" Giyuu yelled.

The green demon stopped his hand, "We need food though?" He dropped his hand, blowing the side of the house out, and everyone flew back.

As soon as they fell Giyuu yelled, "Shit!" He looked around for the little boy, who could've gotten really hurt. The twins were in bushes, hurt, but it wasn't fatal. Giyuu looked towards a tree and saw Hana behind it, gasping for air while holding the little boy in her hands. "HANA!" Giyuu yelled, "Get the kids and run!"

She looked at the twins, and ran towards them.

"Where do you think you're going?" Karaku said, lifting his arm again. But before he could do anything, Giyuu tackled him, pushing them both back into the broken house. "Aizetsu! Get the kids!"

Aizetsu sighed, and started walking out of the broken wall of the house. Giyuu stabbed his sword into the mouth of Karaku, holding him there, and ran after Aizetsu.

When Giyuu reached Aizetsu, he pulled the arm with the staff and broke the arm. Aizetsu looked at Giyuu, "What're you doing?" Then looked at his arm. "Oh."

Aizetsu punched Giyuu with his other arm, causing Giyuu to fly off.

The sound of bones cracking brought Giyuu's attention back to Aizetsu. His arm was already healed. Shit.


Sanemi panted, his stamina getting worse.

"You can't keep running away, you've been at this for years!" Urogi yelled, above him.

"Fuck you!" Sanemi looked around for any sign of Giyuu. But there was none.

Sanemi suddenly saw a glimpse of a red and green haori. Good. Sanemi ran towards Giyuu. "Giyuu!" He yelled.

Giyuu whipped his head towards the place his name was called and saw Sanemi. A wave of relief flowed through him. Glad Sanemi was alright, he got up.

"My sword is in the house stopping the green demon from getting u-" Before Giyuu could finish his sentence a huge gust of wind, strong enough to kill someone knocked him away. Lucky he was able to grab a tree branch, making it to where he wasn't blew away too far.

"GIYUU!" Sanemi yelled. "Fuck, why're you stupid fucks trying to separate us?!" Sanemi sucked in a breath and yelled, "Ninth Form: Idaten Typhoon!" Sanemi leaps into the air, backflipping while a powerful gush of air cuts through the house.

The house now completely broken, reveals Karaku, who has been sliced up, due to Sanemi.


Giyuu leapt from tree to tree, getting back to the house faster, till he heard Hana. "Hush, we need to get out of here."

He stopped and saw her carrying Haru, while pushing the twins with her other hand. Kiro was limping and Kira was holding her arm, but they were awake. Haru, on the other hand, wasn't. Giyuu jumped to the ground and ran towards Hana.

"Hana." He said, scaring her.

"Mr. Tomioka! Why are you here?"

"Got blew away, let me see the boy."

Hana looked at the unconscious boy in her hands, and back at Giyuu, before handing Haru to him.

Giyuu checked him, looking around his body, his arm was maybe broken, and he probably had a concussion, but there wasn't anything that couldn't be healed. Giyuu handed Haru back to Hana.

"Sorry, I was just scared he was.. Um.. Not alive." Giyuu didn't want to scare the kids, so he used different words, although it didn't seem to work.

"Is he okay?" Kiro asked.

"Not alive? He's dead?" Kira started to cry.

"No, he's alive and there isn't any serious injuries." Giyuu tapped Kira on the head. "Were you holding him while we were falling?"

Hana nodded.

"Good, I have to get back to Sanemi, you guys should seriously run." Giyuu turned, and ran towards the way he came from.

My Sacrifice to You (sanegiyuu)Where stories live. Discover now