Butterfly Mansion

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Giyuu stayed close to Sanemi while they were being taken to Shinobu's mansion. He didn't know what he felt, but he didn't like it. Was it sadness? Fear? Regret? He had no idea.

"Mr Tomiokia.. We need to treat your wounds too. Could you please leave Mr. Shinazagawa's side for a second." Some random kakushi pleaded, but Giyuu didn't budge. He didn't even look up. He just, stared. Right at Sanemi.

The kakushi looked at Shinobu for some help, but she shook her head. She knew he wasn't going to want to do anything other than be at Sanemi's side.

When they reached the Butterfly Mansion Giyuu had to be pried from Sanemi. 'No! I need him! Please!' He would scream while Tengen pulled Giyuu from Sanemi.

"He's going to be okay, you need to let Shinobu do her thing." Tengen held the squirming Giyuu tightly. "Chill out."

Giyuu didn't listen. He kicked and slapped. Screamed and cried. Whatever he could. He just wanted to get out to Tengen's grip and get to Sanemi.

After few minutes Tengen was the only reason Giyuu was standing. He was exhausted. He fought an upper moon and then struggled against people for hours. The place he has a cut on his leg from the fight is rapidly losing blood.

"Shit dude, let's get you to Aoi or something." Tengen carried Giyuu like a child to a room.

Aoi was standing near a bed with medical supplies and a bunch of towels. "Come, hurry." Aoi rushed.

Tengen plopped Giyuu on the bed and Aoi cut the pant off of Giyuu, leaving the thigh covered, and the shin exposed. She didn't even flinch as she saw the injury, quickly putting ointment on it and wrapping it.

"Okay, maybe.. no. Let's see." She dug around the basket of medicine until she landed on the one she needed. "Ah-ha! Yes. Okay." She turned to Giyuu. "I need you to take this, it'll help with the pain while I sew you up. I put some numbing cream on it, but I heard it doesn't work as much as it used to. Maybe the ingredients were adjusted. But please, take it."

No words escaped Giyuus mouth when he took the pill. Aoi bowed and left for a bit saying it takes a while to kick in, and she needs to get the needle.

Tengen looked at Giyuus wound and then at his face. "Do you want me to stay or leave?" He asked.

Giyuu shrugged, not really caring.

"I'll take that as a yes. I have to talk to Rengoku for a little anyway." He looked around awkwardly, "Alright.. Bye." Then he left.


Giyuu didn't say anything for days after they arrived from the mission. It's not that he didn't want to, he just couldn't find the words. Even at the simplest things, like asking if he's okay. Nothing came to mind on how to answer.

As soon as he was mostly healed, Shinobu let him spend most of his time in Sanemi's room. The one where he lays, unconscious.

Shinobu said he was in a coma, but Giyuu didn't care. He wanted to feel Sanemi near him. He wanted to put his head on Sanemi's chest and hear his heart. Feel his chest move as his lungs fill with air.

He wanted Sanemi to wake up most of all. He would get on his knees put his hands on Sanemi's bed and beg. Beg any God, or Ruler, or whatever could help. 'Wake Sanemi up..' He would plead. 'I beg you, wake him up.'

Nothing happened, Sanemi didn't wake up. Not when Giyuu fully healed, not when he had to go on missions again, not when Giyuu would spend nights worrying about him. Sanemi would just lay there, sleeping.

Giyuu didn't know what else to do. He was sluggish when fighting, and got hurt more often. Maybe it was so he could spend more time in the butterfly mansion. Maybe he subconsciously got hurt on purpose so he could spend more time next to Sanemi.


About two months later Giyuu was healing from a fight with a lower moon, when Shinobu walks into the room.

"Giyuu, I have some bad news" She told him, the look on her face unreadable. "I don't think Sanemi will wake up.." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "No one has ever been unconscious for over two months before, I'm afraid he's just not going to wake up.."

Giyuu stared at Shinobu, not saying anything, he didn't even have a reaction. "Yeah.. I guessed so." He said, his eyes moving from Shinobu back to Sanemi. "But would it be okay if we kept him here for a few more days?" His voice cracks, a lump forming in his throat.

Shinobu didn't say another word, instead she nods and leaves the room.

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