CHAPTER THREE: In which I show Sophie Clean Air and Clean Water (A Rarity)

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"So, what," she said, walking around a parked car in circles. "You're saying that I'm a divine creature... but I've been with humans, and you don't know why, how, or what is happening?"

I rub my temples, sighing softly. "I know this is hard to believe-"

"Understatement of the century." She muttered.

"You and I haven't yet lived long enough for that," I pointed out. She looked at me as I were a headless chicken but said nothing.

"We... we..." I trail off. I realised that in all my childhood years I'd spent looking for her, meeting her and talking to her never crossed my mind, likely because I wasn't meant to. "It's difficult to explain."

"I see that."

"Elves are creatures similar to humans in physique, well, mostly... We would likely fit the current human beauty standards accurately." My mind went to images of stars on the internet I'd seen, all gorgeous, but not so much compared to an elf.

"So, you're saying that elves are just really hot humans with magic? I can work with that." Sophie grinned at me. I rolled my eyes.

"We are more than our appearances. And we do not use 'magic'. Another thing invented by humans." I sighed. Humans truly were the dumbest intelligent species. And I'd seen two crows fight to the death for a piece of bread, while there was another one there.

She looked at me funnily. "Okay, so elves can mind-lift streetlamps, do invisibility, be super-hot, and they do it without magic? Yeah, need more details on that one."

I sighed. "Like I said, magic is something humans created to explain the phenomena that is science misunderstood. Your – I mean, the species you've been living with – have gotten many things wrong throughout history. Focussing on numbers and equations so complex they forget the fundamentals." I flicked my fingers absentmindedly.

"While I agree that you don't need to know cosine to know what 2 + 2 is, that doesn't change that we do need science, however complex, to explain the world. You said it yourself: misunderstood science phenomena. You going to tell me that the universe isn't difficult to understand?"

"Close." I said, inspecting an ice-cream that had been dropped on the floor by a child who was now screaming. The pretty pink colour reminded me of my sister. "The universe isn't difficult to understand-"

"Then why wouldn't humans get it if it were so simple?" Sophie retorted.

"Let me finish." I huffed. "The universe isn't hard to understand, if you have the right idea to begin with."

"That's just life in general."

"Okay, true." I sighed. I ran my hands through my hair, and felt it stick up in spikes. "But the world especially. Humans simply haven't been recording the planet long enough to know what happened before they polluted it."

"Oh, so elves have been here before the planet. Wow, I think I should write a novel."

"No, I never said that." I argued. "Elves are much more intelligent than humans. We recorded history when our kind was young, so have a clear outlook on the world. Even if most of it is in hiding" I said the last sentence to myself.

Sophie sighed. "This all sounds crazy. A bit too crazy. I think if I hear you talk about elves being basically gods again, I will run into one of the fires happening."

I looked at her and shook my head. I had an idea, and I knew just how stupid it was, but didn't stop me. "Would it help if I showed you?"

She perked up, her eyes stretching wide and a smirk on her face. "This ought to be good."

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