CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: I Become the Ultimate Wingman (And One of the Girls)

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The tale of Sophie and Lady Galvin's cape spread around the school like the fires in Sophie's human home. But I was sure there were modifications; I heard at least three retellings of the incident, one being where Sophie turned into a Sasquatch and had to be turned back.

"You will never believe what happened." Keefe said, sneaking up behind me. His face was aglow, and his cheeks were rosy. His smile reached his eyes in a way that I know he had done something stupid.

"What is it?" I spoke. My energy didn't match his, but I tried to emulate the expression.

"I met the one and only Sophie Foster! And she had a story to tell." He grinned. I paused.

"How did you meet and what did she tell you?" I asked.

"Well, I was ditching class as usual, and she turned up there. I talked to her, got her name, and I asked her what she was doing out of class. She said that she's splashed something on Lady Galvin's cape and her hand. And I took her to the healing centre."

I took a step back. "Wait, so you started the rumours?"

Keefe's eyes widened momentarily before answering. "Yeah, I guess I did."

He had quickly lost his cool demeanour and was now avoiding eye contact with me. I, on the other hand, was staring right at him, my lips pressed in a line, and my eyebrows furrowed. "Seriously, Keefe? Rumours? You realise how bad that could be, right?"

"Well, it's just a small one, and what I said is completely true." He said, dragging the last word, but the both of us knew that technicalities weren't doing much good. "Alright, I'm sorry."

"I think it'd be more effective if you said that to her," I sighed. "She's standing out enough. I think she might just want to blend in."

Keefe squirmed but nodded. I pat his back so he knew that I wasn't mad at him, but I knew now that embarrassing things should just be kept to myself.

"Okay, okay, speaking of me, I need your help, Fitzy." He said, grinning again. "I think there's a girl that likes me, which is usual, but it's someone from the popular girls table."

I cringed. Sometimes Keefe's language reminded me of a bad high school set movie. But he was my best friend, so I dealt with it. "Wait, my sister's friends? What do you need me for?"

"I need you to spy on them and update me." Keefe said, as if that were something a sane person would do.

"You want me to spy on my sister and her friends on the off chance one of them might like you? Do you realise what you're asking?"

"I realise perfectly well, which is why I asked you, dummy," he said, grinning. "Will you, do it?"

"Yeah, of course-" I started, but Keefe wrapped me in a hug. He sank into my warmth as I hugged him back, burying his head in my shoulder. Keefe was very much a hugger, I learnt from being his friend for years. He often wrapped his arms around me and stayed there longer than I expected. I never failed to notice how sad he was to let go. Or how well he hid it.

"I'll keep an eye on her," I grinned, patting his shoulder. "Her friends are not the type of people you want to date, by the way."

"I don't know," Keefe flashed me a teasing grin. "I hear that Maruca girl is pretty hot."

"Don't be weird," I groaned.


Lunch approached us quickly, but this time, Keefe was in detention. I marched up to my sister's table and sat down there, much to her annoyance.

They chattered quietly, bursts of laughter and gossip occasionally, but they kept to themselves when they weren't eyeing me. I sat back and listened.

"Fitz, do you talk to Keefe much?" My sister asked, and she knew well enough that I did.

"I do, why?" I spoke. Biana and her friends looked at each other before answering.

"You'd know if he was dating someone, right?"

"He's not, if that's what you're asking," I said. Again, looks around the table and spurts of giggling. "Would you like me to put in a good word for someone."

"Just invite him over. Me and a few of us will join you." Biana said. She had a rosy glow to her cheeks and her friends were grinning at her. All except Yvonne, who was glaring at Biana. Maybe she liked Keefe.

"Will do." I said, finishing my lunch. Honestly, Biana's friends in particular were annoying. They thought they were better than everyone else because Biana was a Vacker, forgetting that I'm one too.

"Okay, bye Fitz." My sister said, willing me away. I put my hands up in surrender and walked away. I passed Sophie and waved at her. She smiled back and waved. The boy she was talking to, with brown hair and a toothy smile, looked between us, confused, before launching into their next topic.

I walked out of the cafeteria and down one of the many hallways of Foxfire. I reached the one Keefe was in: the detention room. It was just like the other rooms in foxfire, but above it loomed an hour of boredom that students felt walking in.

I caught Keefe's eyes, and he waved at me, flashing a brilliant smile. Illuminated by the sunlight, his hair aglow, he looked so pretty. But that was a thought that I'd be better off never thinking again.

I waited until the end of lunch and until he came out. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed them.

"Any updates?" He asked, as if he were a secret detective.

"You're coming to my house and some of her friends are meeting you there." I spoke. He grinned.

"Thanks, Fitz, you're the best." He grinned. He hugged me again, this time, he cheek against mine. 

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