Chapter 6

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"Rainbow!" I screamed in horror. I gently nudged her and she winced. I breathed a shaky sigh of relief. "Ouch..." She groaned. That's when I realised she had more cuts on her flank. All of them were deep and bleeding heavily. I whipped my head around, trying to find any cat to help my sister. I took a deep breath and yelled, "HELP! MY SISTER'S INJURED!" 

Thank goodness now even a second later, a few cats arrived. I heard yowls of "Someone get her to the Medicine cat!" and "Oh Starclan! Did the kit do this?" Which made no sense! Why would I hurt my sister? I thought angrily. 

Suddenly, Funneh pulled me aside.

"What the heck, Funneh! Couldn't you see our sister is in danger?" I yelled at her, angry that she didn't seem to care about Rainbow at all! I turned around, about to leave, when she desperately told me,

"Draco! Lunar's not- not-"

"What? Lunar's not what?" I demanded, getting annoyed with Funneh. Rainbow's life was on the stake!

"Breathing. She's not breathing."


I coughed. Where was I? I blinked open my eyes to find a seemly dirty alleyway. What the- I streched, feeling uneasy.

"So, you're finally awake."

The Switch  (A Warrior Cats x ItsFunneh Au) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now