4-It's A Beautiful Day

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The hours passed by, Craig staying in the shop and Talking to Tweek as he worked.

They spoke about school, work, and overall just life.

'Maybe Tweek isn't too weird...' Craig's thoughts slowly lightened towards the blond, twitchy, and coffee addicted boy.

They continued to speak until Tweek's shift had come to a close.

"GAH! Where do you wanna go, Craig?" Tweek questioned.

Craig thought for a moment, "Why don't we head down to Stark's Pond and hang out?" Craig responded.

Tweek quickly agreed, "Yeah! That would be great," Tweek replied happily. 

The two boys walked merrily out of the shop and began their trek to Stark's Pond. 

As the light shown on Tweek's pale face, Craig thought he was cute for a moment.

However, not wanted his father to beat him once more, Craig brushed away the response, hoping it had cleared from his mind.

As the teenagers arrived at the glistening water-filled pond, they began searching for a bench to rest on while their chatter commenced. 

They sat down and began to talk once more, but Craig noticed something off.

Tweek's arm was bandaged. Craig wondered what had happened, but when Tweek noticed Craig seeing his arm, he quickly hid it.

Realizing that the boy wanted to not discuss his injuries, Craig saved the conversation and his concern for another time.

The boys continued to talk until the sun's light faded away. The glistening stars shone bright in the sky. 

Craig looked into Tweek's eyes and realized that the stars were nice, but Tweek's eyes were beautiful.

Craig once more tried to clear his mind from the thoughts he was having. He can't continued to think like this, WHAT IF HIS DAD FOUND OUT?!

Craig tried breathing deeply to calm his stress when Tweek's voice cut through his thoughts, "Craig? You haven't said anything in a bit, are you okay?". 

Craig quickly responded, "Oh yeah. I was just thinking. It's nothing important," Craig lied to Tweek.

Tweek looked unconvinced, but like Craig seeing his arm, he brushed it off.

The boys began to walk home as the night had come upon them.

As they walked home, they continued to speak with each other, basking in the other's company.

When Craig got to his home, he peered into the window and saw his father drinking. A worried look came upon his face.

Tweek finally couldn't take it, "Craig, are you okay?" nervousness plagued his voice.

"No, no I'm not," Craig responded. He was about to open the door when Tweek grabbed his arm.

"Come stay with me tonight. It's okay," Tweek offered, hoping Craig would take his offer.

Craig shook his head, "Not tonight, I need to do this," Craig responded, swiftly opening the door.

He knew what was to come... 

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