5-I Want To Break Free

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"I SAW YOU WITH THAT BOY! IS HE YOUR FAGGY BOYFRIEND?" Craig's Father screeched at the boy.

"No, h-" before Craig could finish the sentence, a fist collided with his face.

Craig's Father began to mercilessly beat him.

Blood started to seep out of Craig's injuries and bruises started to form across his body.

Craig tried to get away but his father's voice boomed, "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, FAG?" Craig tried to run but to no avail. His father continued to beat him relentlessly. 

Craig was able to slip into his room, his injuries from the drunken older man very noticeable.

However, a thought slipped into Craig's mind, Tweek's offer.

Craig thought for a moment 'I want break free'.

He looked downstairs, only to see a passed out Thomas Tucker.

He returned to his room and slipped open his window. 

Craig hopped upon a ledge found beneath his room and jumped to the ground from there.

However, a problem arose, he knew not of where Tweek's House was.

As Craig walked, he saw someone he was overjoyed to see.

"Craig! Are you okay?" Tweek asked with concern plaguing his voice as he ran to the injured boy.

"Tweek, can I stay with you for the night?" Craig asked weakly.

"Yes! Yes, of course!" Tweek replied as he slung Craig's arm over his shoulder to help him walk.

The two went to Tweek's house and made their way to his room without waking the boy's parents.

As they went to Tweek's room, Tweek asked, "I wasn't going to ask because you seemed sensitive about it, but are you okay? What's happening?".

Craig stood there for a moment before responded, "My dad. He doesn't like that I'm gay," Tweek looked shocked before donning a smile.

"Hey, I'm gay too. It's okay," He told the usually stoic boy who was now crying.

Craig looked up at him, "What's with your arm?"

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