Week 6

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As you've all probably noticed, I've picked a new ability for you to use. Now I'm not gonna spoil which Sans AU's ability it is, but if you can guess it... shoutout next chapter.

Also, about that question of making a female reader version of this, I'm gonna do just that. However, it's gonna be a while before I get the first chapter of that out, and it's currently still in voting on Wattpad for what the reader will have.

So, once I get around to it, I'll have a chapter out.

"Hello?" Michael groggily says as he picks up the phone.

"Uh-huh... yeah... no, YOLO is not a drug." He listens before sighing. "No, ma'am, there's nothing to worry about. Your son is fine, he's just... okay, bye." He hung up before covering his face as he leaned against his chair while groaning.

"Having fun?" A familiar voice.

"Oh no, get out! Get the hell out of my office!" He shouted while pointing at the door.

"Oh, come on, don't wanna talk to your brother?" Lucifer says tauntingly.

"You lost the right to be called a brother when you did you-know-what! How did you even get in here? Weren't you exiled from Heaven indefinitely?"

"Indefinitely doesn't necessarily mean forever."

"IT DOES! You shouldn't even be here!" Michael yells before the phone rings and he picks up. "Hello?" He listens before rolling his eyes. "For the last time, you will not be transferred from Hell to Heaven!" He says in annoyance. "Do you really think after what you did, God's just gonna-?" He hung up before massaging his templates.

"Is it 'him' again?" Lucifer asked.

"I swear he just doesn't take the hint."

"Well, he does have a funny mustache."

"Maybe you think it's funny-" The angel says before the phone starts ringing once again and he closed his eyes before exhaling from his nose.

"You might wanna answer that."

The angel picked up. "Hello?"

"Michael, it's Gabriel." He heard from the other end.

"Oh finally, you got some good news?"

"Not exactly. We caught a girl dying because of unnatural causes."

"What... what do you mean?"

"Well, it seems a 'certain' demon got bored and decided to pull some crap for shits and giggles."

Michael froze for a moment then turned to glare at the fallen angel.

"What? I can't control the demons around me. They do their own thing." Lucifer chuckled.

The archangel sighed. "Is there anything you can do?"

"Nope. Instant death. No coming back from that."

"Okay, you know the drill. Offer her a new chance at life. Make sure not to pull up the door before she's made her decision."


He then hung up before gripping the phone hard enough to cause cracks. Then he glared at the fallen angel in his office who only smirked at him.

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