Why did I say Oki Doki

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And we're back here again... I have nothing to say before we start this.

Alastor: Well, what do you normally do at the beginning of these stories?

I don't know, say random shit? Give some updates on other stories... meh.

Also, I know that I said I would give out a list of who will be joining on Wattpad, but... I'll hold off on that for a moment. At least so there isn't much spoilers.

(Inside the computer)

"I've never seen either of you here. Are you new to our school?" The tall coral haired girl asked. "We haven't had new students in forever!"

"... Hi." Girlfriend says with a hand up.

"Right, we should introduce ourselves." With a clearing of the throat, she started introductions. "My name is Sayori, I'm the president of the literature club here at school. This is Yuri." She pointed at the purple haired girl. "She's the smartest girl in the club."

"D-Don't say things like that." Yuri says.

"And this is Natsuki. Always full of energy." The first girl then refers to the smaller pink-haired girl who crossed her arms, looking away.

'Just like the game.' You thought to yourself. "Well, it's nice to meet you all... I guess."

"And you guys are?" Natsuki asked.

"Right, uh... I'm (Y/N) and this is... Girlfriend." You tell her.

"Aw, you guys are dating? That's so cute!" Sayori says.

"A-Actually that's my name... Girlfriend." GF says.

"That's your name? Why? That's so weird." Natsuki asked.

"Not where I come from." She muttered under her breath.

"We weren't expecting new students to be arriving today, much less coming to our club." Yuri states.

"Yeah, but if you're looking to join, we've been looking for new members so that we can make our club official." Sayori then says.

"I see." GF says.

'Seems like we're moving onto the next phase of the Takeover Mod.' You thought to yourself. "Shoot." Your eyes then widened. "Shoot? Why the fudge did I say shoot? Fudge!? Oh, my codfish, what's wrong with me?!"

"Dude, it's a kid's game. There's a profanity filter." Natsuki says.

You stared for a moment. "... I wanna go home."

(Outside of the computer in your room)

"Uh... What was it you needed us for again?" Sarvente asked as she was presented your computer.

"Look, (Y/N) and his girlfriend got sucked into this thing and we need you to help us get him out." Whitty tells her.

"I'd love to help don't get me wrong but... what do you expect me to do?"

"I don't know. Exercise the damn thing? There's clearly something in there."

"We can't just exercise it. It's not gonna get them out."

"Are you sure you don't want us to exercise... that thing?" Ruv asks while pointing at the lemonhead.

"I'm not against that idea." Pica shrugged.

"No, no, we're not exercising anything. Besides, Girlfriend would be exercised as well even if it did work, so we can't go with that." Carol says.

"Welp, if these two can't do jack, I'm out of ideas. I tried." Whitty says.

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