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For my lovely readers, few points for you to read before proceeding with the story ~~~

•In both the cover and all of the following pictures that will pop up during the stories , I have tried my best to hide the faces of the characters as I don't want to interrupt your imagination.

•I named the kpop group as The Universe which of course is self made as I want you all to imagine your favourite idol group who is the universe of your life , so if the name matches any other group now you know it was unintentional.

•The images in the story are either taken from pinterest or Google and the credits for those goes to the rightful owner .

•The story is entirely out of my own imagination, so if you find it somewhere else , report the account or sue the labels >< but on a serious note doing so is considered intellectual theft and has serious repercussions

•If any characters description and name resembles with anyone it is purely coincidental.

•Positive criticism are always welcomed.

•I can't guarantee a fix date or time for updates but I promise to complete the story and not leave you guys hanging cause from personal experience that isn't the best feeling

•Any kind of rude or toxic comment on any real life idol won't be tolerated but you are free to bash out on my imaginary one's.

•This is my first time jotting down my imagination (👉👈) so please be kind and ignore all the annoying grammatical mistakes which I will try my best to avoid.

•With this let's start the story , a kind that almost all the fans would want for themselves (even I do😅)



Language + Alcohol consumption

TW : Harassment and Bullying

CW : Social media issues and toxicity

*too much lovey-dovey-ness*

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