Chapter : 5 ( Video Conference)

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Vi's POV

It is happening ! the five men I have admire for 10 years are right in front of me , TALKING to (ME?) ,  SMILING at (ME?) , as much as I should be happy I can't ignore my insecurities that are knocking at my door , I am here but also I am not , I am happy and grateful for this once in a lifetime opportunity but also I am not and of course The Universe had to notice it .

“Hey , are you okay?” Ji-hun asked .

Getting out of my in my head phase I tried to put on a pleasing smile “yes , yes I am.” I hope it was believable.

Out of nowhere HOLO by LEE HI started to play and by everyone giving Haru a confusing look it was evident that Haru was the one who played it ,  which was weird cause he barely spoke to me or his members during this entire 20 minutes.

" one day it will stop " , Haru said , I could feel that it was directed to me and strangely enough it was comforting , So for the next 3 minutes we all were silently listening to the song which also happened to be one of my favourite and by the end of the song I was calm and composed.

“So Vanalika , how is your studies going on?" Dae hyun enquired .

"Please call me Vi , and its going well." I smiled politely.

"Hey Vi ! I love your name by the way and also the video was funny ,  emotional and very touching , we are grateful for having a fan like you" that sweet voice was none other than
Ye-Jun’s and he smiled at ME , now that's what people meant by being on cloud 9 cause Duh !!!! it felt euphoric.

"Uh , it was my sister's idea actually,  she did all the things required for this Meeting I was clueless. " yes it's happening I am talking to a Ye-Jun .

(calm down Vi , don't you dare blush !)

After talking for a while and showing them the cake I baked (embarrassingly) and celebrating their 15th anniversary while sharing our memories together, laughs filled the room and I would never ask for any Christmas present better than this .

"One day it will stop" while me and the other 4 members were having my dream conversation  , that sentence was playing inside my head repeatedly and I couldn't help but steal few glances at Haru who was quieter than usual ,  occasionally smiling and saying few words when required.

"Which solo artist do you like Vi?" Ye-Jun asked.

The question with my name in it brought me back to the reality which made me realize that I had no clue about what discussion was going on .

"Can you repeat that please ." scratching my head with embarrassment .

( The Universe might surely think that I am least interested in this , aghhh whereas the reality is opposite)

"Which solo artist do you like?" Ye-Jun asked again politely. 

(Ahhh he is sooo sweet ) , " um I like IU if we are talking about females and Meego for male. " , that seemed to perk Haru's  interest as he spoke "Not everyone listens to Meego , not that he is bad instead he is really good  but-"

" he is a little underrated  but I love his voice , it’s soothing "

We went on with our favourite artist to foods to my college to my sister and how the 1 hour video conference to 2 hours we have no idea .

It just felt like talking with a few senior friends of mine .

It was around 2 hours and 25 minutes that we decide to wrap it up and finally after 2 hours and 45 minutes the conference  was done.

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