Chapter ~4 (Its Christmas)

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One of Vi's favourite festival was about to become her nightmare , at least that’s what she thought.

The news that her identity will be a secret  somehow helped her calm down a little , but no amount of calming down mantras were able to help her .

She was excited but the thought of ruining The Universe’s 15th Anniversary with her lack of socialising skills and habit of speaking gibberish were a slap to the reality . She doesn’t trust herself at all when it comes to TALKING and here she was about to have a VIDEO CONFERENCE !

Vi’s POV :-

The conference starts from 6pm IST  , and it is 2pm NOW , I am not prepared!!!
Both Mentally and Physically...

I went to shopping,  more like my friends did the deed for me and I was just sitting around the corner and occasionally trying on some dresses that they thought were best for a DATE !

YES they think it’s A DATE and I think that what they think is the best thinking .

The lesser the people know about THIS the better.

Yet after buying 3 outfits I still have no idea what I should wear,  now with all my friends gone I am doing the best  thing in the world , which I am a Master of . OVERTHINKING . and also ignoring all the texts and calls from Dodo .

No matter how much angry she gets with her sister , they both know that without each other they are lost , and Vi knows without Dodo she can’t pull the night off.

“What is it?”

“Look who finally answered my call”

“Be happy that I did”

“Oh, as if you are sooo ready to rock the conference and all dolled up in your bed just waiting for the Video Call to begin”



“What  , I said yes”

“tsk, quit lying we both know you are hyperventilating and overthinking everything now tell me what are you wearing?”

“uh , I don’t know , I am trying to figure it out , and woahhhh just for your information madam , I still haven't forgiven you for what you did , you might have meant well but it's not something one should do !

(slowly all the anger that she was keeping within herself , had a volcanic eruption)


“Huh!!! Yes , I am sorry but I swear its not " I might " but I actually DID mean well , I just want you to have what you deserve , and what you deserve is to have a one on one conversation with your idols , I know I shouldn’thave rumaged your diary and also video tape it and heck share it "

(Dodo makes a genuine apologetic look with a pouty puppy face)

"Since it won't be shared anywhere , I am letting you go for the last time , the next time you TOUCH MY STUFF , you are a dead meat !"

"Yah , yah , sorry again , but can you now say whether you have actually decided what to wear or not ?"

" I am trying to de-"

"You are WHATTTT??"


"Oh my ! You won't ever make it to the video conference at this speed Di"

" ---well , I guess that's for the best"

"NOOOOO , AHHHHH WHAT DO I DOOOOO WITH YOUUU . Ofc  , I should have known , fine try on some outfits and I will help you choose”

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