Ok, Ils?

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My skin began to itch as I looked at them

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My skin began to itch as I looked at them. I wonder if she can feel my eyes on her, looking closely at her every reaction, at her lips as they moved cutely as she spoke, smiled, and laughed. What the fuck was I going to do.

She's a perfectly untouched angel in the hands of satan and didn't have a clue.

I knew for sure that he would somehow manage to crumble her whole world and disrupt the perfection. I looked at Leo and answered his question

"I refuse to allow him to harm her I can't".

I began to get up as Leo responded, "Be careful bro don't bring her more drama, remember what happened the first time and remember what you told her you would do" he looked me in the eyes as he said this.

I remember very clearly the tears in her eyes all because of me. Maybe I was the one bringing her hurt, disrupting her perfection. But then again I promised to stay away to help her avoid drama.

Although all these thoughts roamed through my mind I couldn't shake the feeling that I needed to intervene to save her from the likes of him.

Could I be overreacting, or was Alec just really up to no good? Me battling my thoughts wouldn't help. So I made a quick movement to their booth. My eyes landed on her. Her green eyes suddenly looked up at me and her lips parted in surprise.

"Am we're in the middle of something here bro" I was snapped out of my trance by pretty boy and she looked at him.

"Well, Alecc" I drawled "I need to speak to her for a minute, alone." She then looked at me and nodded.

"Alec I'll be right back," she said quickly as she stood. He didn't seem too pleased as he glared at me as we made our way out of the parlor.

"What is so important Jase?" she asked as we came to a stop. She stared at my face and I could see concern lacing her features.

"You look horrible, When was the last time you slept?" she asked her hand seeming to be reaching out to hold me but she pulled them back.

"I'm fine" I stated, "Are you?" I asked calmly. I was however in fact not ok but I wouldn't want her to worry. I wanted to know how she was since the fiasco that occurred on Friday.

"I'm actually doing well," she said nervously looking down.

"Is that because you're dating Alec now?" I asked. She looked up and scoffed "Is that what this is about?" she asked making a motion between us.

"You think it's unfair that I didn't completely fall and swoon for you like every one of your other conquests. That I chose to give him a chance and not you? Is that it Jase?" She asked spitefully

I was completely shocked. Is that what she thought of me? That I thought that this was all a big game? That I was angry that she made it hard for me and just jumped at the offer with him?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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