4 - Not demons of Kibutsuji

847 28 16

Author: YAY I'M NOT DEAD YET!!! Hello how R U?

Rhys POV:

This human warrior is certainly something. Not only is she very skilled, but has quite the connection to this E-urth spirit and other female human. Although I can't see both the humans properly, I can tell that this E-urth will certainly be surprising.




Y/n's POV:

As the Daemos, except Asch bowed down to us, after Rhys explained their situation, but to be honest...they acted sus. Especially green and orange. I don't trust these daemos.

Ava turned into a red blushing and giggling mess, she then excused us and dragged me to the bathroom. Johnny, not wanting to leave the comfort of my shoulders, stayed on me as Ava dragged us. Just what nonsense is she going to say now...

After she closed the doors making sure to lock them,I leaned against the door frame as she sped walked to the sink turning it on and splashing water on her face. Man I haven't seen her this scared and confused sense I saved her from a demon and had to explain them to her. Although I find her reaction funny, my face shows a look of concern and petty.

I'm not as scared or terrified because I'm a demon slayer. I face deadlier and more threatening demons than these daemos. But that doesn't mean they can't be a threat, not only do they threaten us a lot but actually hold power to kill us if they wanted, plus they really don't care if they hurt us physically or mentally.

Ava walked away from the sink and started muttering nonsense. I try to pay no attention to Ava walking in circles talking to herself about this being a dream. Woman you better not think this is a dream after I told you about demons.

"THIS IS POSSIBLE AND DEFINITELY NOT A DREAM!!!" I yelled louder than I intended to knock some sense into her. She was now frozen in place as stiff as a board, same with Johnny who's still on my shoulder.

We heard a sudden knock on the bathroom door with a concerned voice on the other end.

"Human sorceress and warrior is everything alright? We heard loud shouting and are hoping everything's ok." Wow...they care, or just hoping we don't bring backup but hey who am I to judge. I open the door a bit showing a closed eye smile.

"Yes, pardon me but everything is fine. I apologize for my sudden outburst." I open my eyes looking to see all of them were by the door Rhys being the closest to the door most likely being the one who knocked.

"Although we are still discussing, so please excuse us. Thank you." I gave a little bow as I closed the door.

Johnny gave me a little meow as he snuggled his head on my cheek. 'Oh my how adorable cats can be!' Imaginary flowers floated above my head as I'm now at peace because of this fur baby.

"So what do we do Y/n? You're a demon slayer, correct? A hashira, right?"

"Hai,-sōdesu." (Yes, I am.) "But, I don't believe they're demons of Kibutsuji. And they said they're daemos, so they have to be from another world like they said, so we can confirm that part of they're story is true."

Leif's POV:

After we heard the yelling from the death room and the warrior dismissed us, I was ordered to stay by the door while the others went back to the other room. 'These humans are weird.' Because Acsh doesn't trust these humans, he ordered me to listen in on them to get information on what they're planning.

Asch knew Rhys would argue with him on it. So Asch asked me privately to listen in on them, and to keep a close eye on them. But to be honest I just want to cause chaos. >:)

I started to hear muffled voices behind the door. I began listening in. I'm quite curious about what they're going to say.

"You're a demon slayer, correct? A hashira, right?" 'That sounded like the sorcerer, a ha-shi-rea, a hashira...what in the gods is that?! The sorcerer said demon slayer before that, so is it a position?'

"Hai,-sōdesu." (Yes, I am.) 'That sounded like the warrior, what did she say, was that a spell?! What spell is that?'

'Maybe it isn't a spell? Maybe it's another language, do humans have other languages? If so, we'll have to learn them, or at least have an understanding of the different languages.'

"But, I don't believe they're demons of Kibutsuji. And they said they're daemos, so they have to be from another world like they said, so we can confirm that part of they're story is true."

'So the warrior does suspect something, but what gave it away? Was it the hesitance Rhys had when giving the excuse on why we're here? Or...'

I gasped quickly covering my mouth to not give away my position. 'When I slapped Noi!!! The warrior MUST have noticed along with the other things, otherwise she would've kept it to herself or at least waited to get more information.'

'And her aura...' I begin thinking back when me and Rhys were still in the death room. For some reason I started feeling off, intimidated even, Rhys felt it as well I could tell by how his demeanor changed.

Then when we faced off, her stance, her demeanor. She has most likely trained harder and longer than I have, she could've killed me without a second though if it weren't for my reflexes. But, that sword.

It was definitely made by someone who knows what they're doing, the engravings, handle, and everything. But the indent, I don't know why the sword is like that, but it has to have a purpose, right? After snapping out of my thoughts I continued to lean on the door to continue to hear what the humans will say.

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