7 - End of episode 2 (FINALLY!!!XD)

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'How many more surprises will the E-urth have?'




Acsh's POV:

I was just standing there looking shocked at the white feathery creature in front of us. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. Thoughts kept rapidly going through my mind, looking down, and blocking out everything happening around me.

'That thing talks!? What in the gods was it even saying, is it another language, a spell? I have no idea.'

Looking back towards the humans I see that the white feathered creature was talking to the human warrior. The warrior nods her head and begins to walk towards us, or rather past us. The feathered creature hops off her shoulder, waiting outside, as she walks into the room.

The other shorter human begins talking as she walks towards her room. Before opening the door she turns to us, and begins to speak.

"Y/n is going out for a bit for her job, she'll be back very early in the morning. The blankets are in the closet, you all could sleep anywhere in the living room. Oh, and also, don't you dare enter any of our rooms. K? K."

She quickly closed the door behind her before we could say anything. All of us stood there confused, Noi muttering what a clos-at was. I look over to see Pierce petting the spirit.

The spirit then jumps off the uncomfortable bed walking over to the human sorcerer's door as it opens.

"But I swear to god if I end up murdered in the morning, I'm going to come back and haunt all of you forever!!!" The human sorcerer yelled at us. The spirit had snuck into her room while she yelled at us and soon slammed the door closed.

"At least we know why she resisted me. She can haunt people." Leif blurted out.

Pierce's POV:

I was sitting on the uncomfortable bed just watching everything play out. The human sorcerer told us Y/n would be going out and would be back early in the morning. The sorcerer also said to not dare to enter any of their rooms, closing the door behind her.

She then opened it again yelling out that if she ends up murdered in the morning she'll come back and haunt all of us forever before slamming the door. Weird -_-. Leif blurted out saying he now knew why she resisted him and I decided to speak up.

"She is a powerful sorcerer."

"IT'S SORCERESS, GET IT RIGHT!" I turned my head in the direction of the human 'sorceress' room where she yelled that out. I guess she has good hearing.

Noi's POV:

"Now that we've established a base camp we should get some rest. We have a lot to observe based on the events that happened today." Rhys stated as he looked at all of us.

"Do you think there's any food?" I asked, turning to face Leif.

"It could be poison." Leif quickly responded by answering my question.

"It's probably best we rest for the night." Rhys said, directing it to all of us. I heard Prince Acsh sigh very loudly and mutter something about the E-urth. I didn't pay any attention to what he said though.

I jump and yelp suddenly hearing the sorceress screaming and yelling some words I didn't catch. 'Oh, the gods, what is wrong with these humans?' A door opens and I turn my head in the direction of the door.

The human warrior steps out of her room wearing an outfit similar to a uniform. She still had her weirdly designed mantle, with a purple-tinted uniform, a white belt, the same design of her mantle on puffy leg things, a weird thing in her hair, and her sword by her side in her belt, the white creature now flying by her side. Wait.

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