It happens once....

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I know, you think the same as me that you will never be in love again and trust me you're absolutely know why ?? Because it happens once, love happens once and then never. People are wrong when they say that love can happen many times but if it happens many times then it's definitely not love. If you can give the same love to someone else then you should accept that you were never in love with that person and if even after years you are standing on the place for years then you won it. I never understood how people go from one person to another so quickly or even for real, like don't they feel like they are cheating when they hold someone else's hand? Don't they feel that pain to give the same love to someone else?? I know that person has hurt you but it was you who loved with the pure heart. Moving on is just a term. It is made to make you realise that you gave your best for someone else but now time to give your best to yourself......... it's not about going from one person to another. I know you feel the urge to have someone by your side for real, I feel the same but don't tell me that when you really try for this thing, you cannot even stay there for a single second. They hurt you, they went from one to another because they never really loved you then what proof do you want that you were right all the way........i know you couldn't tell anyone how much you're hurt, how much you tried, how much you fought and even if you did, no one understood it but it's okay honey I understand it, you understand it and that's more than enough. In real, Results don't prove that who really tried, but the process proves how much you tried because we always got an option called "cheating". You always wanted him to be alright and now he is, what if you're said "love is all about sacrifices and pain".
There's just my favourite line from the song "Him&i" which is actually recommended by himself as it's his favourite is "what the fuck is love with no pain, no suffer". And it's the real words. There was a moment when I begged, I fought so hard, I tried my best and even did things which I shouldn't have but when you're in love, you don't see any limits or boundaries, all you see just how can you not let that person go away and you do every possible thing you can do to prevent it and I accept that I did the same and maybe you did the same too.......and i know when you look yourself in the mirror, you try so hard to take that pieces out from your skin but you can't..........i understand you honey, i really do because I am one of you. What if I am just seventeen??? I have waited and wanted him for 7 years and when I actually got him, it was the exact moment when my seven years of memories of him turned into the worst nightmares which I couldn't process still but I am trying. I just run away from the fact that he is the same person for who, me the 9 year old girl used to go to school daily so early and used to wait standing there at the school gate just for him and when he used to enter, I knew my whole day was going to be more than okay..........but okay anyways even though he hurt me, I am still here to provide him the shoulder to cry if he ever needs it because I am not him and he is not me.........but I know you're like me and will do the same but always remember honey, never fall so hard for someone that there would be a point when you completely lose yourself. I am saying it because we females are always ready to sacrifice when it comes to our loved ones but when you're not okay enough, then how can you make anyone else feel honey take care of yourself if you want to take care of someone else.........ily. see ya :)

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