The Letters

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I shivered as I tried to sleep in the rickety old shack that the Dursley's had brought Harry and me to, just to get away from the flood of letters that kept coming through. No matter what Mr. Dursley did to stop them, they always found some way to get through. 

Because of this, Mr. Dursley had decided that if you all took a "vacation" to this island in the middle of a lake in hopes that the letters would stop.

So far, it looked like he had succeeded.

Just then something banged on the door, I felt Harry bolt up beside me, surprised at the loud noise.

The knock came again, this time waking up Dudley.

"Where's the cannon?" He asked, still confused from having just been asleep.

Uncle Vernon came with a crash, holding a rifle. I was pretty sure he had no idea how to use one but maybe he just felt better having it?

After a breath of silence where everyone stood around eerily waiting for what would happen next.


The door splintered and a massive form loomed in the doorway. He had wild hair everywhere that covered most of his face, but his eyes were still visible, and they were shining with excitement.

So much for nobody finding us.

As he made his way into the hut I glanced over  at Uncle Vernon to see him looking like he was about to wet himself.

The giant picked up the ruined door and placed it gently back into its place, slightly hushing the pouring rain outside.

He mumbled something about a cup of tea as he made his way to the sofa, where Dudley was sitting in horror and shock.

"Budge up, yeh great lump."

Dudley squealed and bolted to hide behind Aunt Petunia, who was in turn, hiding behind Uncle Vernon, who seemed to be attempting to hide behind his rifle that was much skinnier than him.

"An' here's the twins!" he said, smiling through his beard.

Harry and I looked at each other and then looked up to him.

"Las' time I saw you troublemakers, you were only babies," he grinned, "Look pretty alike don't yah? Look a lot like yer dad, but both of yeh have got yer mum's eyes."

Uncle Vernon stepped up randomly, "I demand that you leave at once, sir! You are breaking and entering!

"Ah, shut up, Dursley, yeh great prune," grumbled the man.

He then plucked the rifle from Vernon's shivering hands and bent it into a knot like it was a noodle. He then threw it into a corner of the tiny, shivering, shack.

"Anyway, --Harry, Y/n," the giant started to rummage in his big, black, overcoat, "a very happy birthday to yeh. Gut summat fer yeh here-- I mighta sat on it at some point, but it'll taste all right."

He produced a big squashed box and handed it to Harry and you. Harry grabbed it first and opened it, showing a big, sticky chocolate cake with Happy Birthday Harry and Y/n written on it in droopy green icing.

Harry looked at a loss for words, so I begin to thank him but get cut off by Harry's question, "Who are you?"

"Harry!" I grumbled, poking my elbow in his ribs, "Be polite!"

The man chuckled, "It's alright Y/n, I haven't introduced myself. Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of Keys and Grounds at Hogwarts."

He held out his hand for each of us to shake, even though he basically shook my whole arm with his giant hands. He then sat on the couch, produced a pink umbrella and started a fire in the fireplace.

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