The Train

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Harry and I were dropped off at King's Cross with no idea what was going on. Harry tried to talk to a guard for help but only succeeded in making the guard mad at us.

We stood for a while with no clue what to do when I heard a snippet of conversation from a group of people passing them.

"--packed with Muggles, of course--"

I turned to see a plump, red headed woman talking to four boys with the same flaming red hair.

"Now what's the platform number?" the woman asked.

"Nine and three quarters!" a girl that looked just like the boys piped up, "Mom, can't I go..."

"Your not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first."

I watched in horror as the tallest of the boys started running straight at a pillar in the middle of the station. But then just as he would've hit the wall, he disappeared.

"Fred, you next," the woman turned pointing to another of the boys.

"I'm not Fred, I'm George," said the boy, "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother. Can't you tell I'm George?"

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Only joking, I am Fred" and with that he disappeared through the wall.

"Excuse me," Harry had walked up to the woman.

"Hello dear," she said warmly. "First time at Hogwarts? Ron's new, too."

"Yes, we're new. But um- how do you- we're not sure-" I said

"How to get on the platform?" She said kindly.

We nodded.

"Not to worry," she said, "All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous. Now who wants to go first?"

"I will," I volunteered.

"Oh good!"

I swiveled my cart to face the wall. I started to walk towards it, then I started into a jog. Once I got within a couple yards of the wall, I broke into a run. I closed my eyes, waiting for the collision but it never came.

I opened my eyes, taking in all the sights, smells, sounds, there was just so much going around.

Families helping their kids, saying goodbyes, scrambling to find friends. Everybody seemed in such a good mood.

Harry and the other boy, Ron, came in quickly after me. Harry looked around in awe, just like me.

The massive scarlet train whistled at us, making me jump.

"Ok, off you go!" the woman said.

We all hurried onto the train, Harry and Ron found a compartment together but I didn't really want to deal with Harry right now so I found an empty compartment and sat there.

A couple minutes later, somebody coughed slightly, "May I sit here?"

I answered without looking up, "Yeah sure, I don't care."

"Do you mind if a couple others also sit here?"

"Nope, just don't blow up the compartment or me."

"Are you even going to look up before letting a bunch of strangers sit with you?"

I looked up, "Like I said, I don't really care."

The boy standing in the doorway had thick, brown, slightly curly hair with warm brown eyes.

"Okay then, I'll be right back."

He returned a few moments later with Draco Malfoy, a scary looking girl with dark hair and dark eyes, and a tall, dark skinned boy with high cheekbones and dark eyes as well.

(I know it was Crabbe and Goyle but I like Blaise more so... yea :) )

Draco looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"You know her?" the scary girl said.

"I met her at Madam Malkin's," Draco said indifferently.

"Well then. I'm Pansy Parkinson, this is Blaise Zabini," she motioned to the dark skinned boy, "and that's Mattheo Riddle."

"Kay, I'm Y/n," I said glancing down at my book 

"Er, Y/n who?" Pansy said, smiling slighly with her hand cupped around her ear, "I couldn't quite hear your last name."

I snapped my book closed, "That's cause I didn't give it to you, Parkinson."

She glowered at me.

"Fine, if you really want to know, it's Potter. Y/n Potter."

Her frowning jaw dropped, "Potter?! As in Harry Potter?"

"Yes. As in Harry Potter," I said, my words dripping with venom as I grit my teeth.

"Wait, he had a sister?" Blaise butted in.

"Has a twin sister, idiot, I'm right here," I say, somewhat feeling sorry that I snapped but not caring enough to apologize.

"Wait, are you ok with sitting with Mattheo?" Blaise replied nervously.

I looked over at the boy sitting across from me. His face was morphed into a look of surprise and fear.

"Why would I care about sitting with him?" I asked, confused.

"Um because his-" Pansy started.

"No reason!" Draco and Mattheo both cut in at the same time.

"Okay... whatever weirdos..." I muttered to myself.

I finally opened my book when a girl with frizzy brown hair opened the compartment door, "Have any of you seen a toad? Some boy has lost his."

"OH MY- can I not get 5 SECONDS to read my FRICKIN' BOOK. Just 5!" I shouted, exasperated.

Everybody turned to stare at me.

"What? Y'all are just gonna do nothing the entire train ride?" I ask them.

Mattheo chuckled a little and turned back to the girl, "No, we haven't seen anything, sorry."

She huffed a sigh, "Well then."

And with that, she whirled around and marched on, just to come back a few seconds later.

"And you guys should start to put on your robes, we're almost there."

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