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Y/n's Pov

We walked into the great hall and sat in our usual spots at the slytherin table. I stumbled a couple times on the way there but Pansy held me up and Mattheo or Draco was always next to me, ready to catch me.

They'd only had to do that once though.

I sat, bored out of my mind as Dumbledore started his boring speech and all the little first years were sorted.

A couple people were sorted into Slytherin and I clapped a little and what not but honestly I was just waiting for this to be over so I could go and sleep in my dorm with people there.

Mostly just not an empty house honestly.

"Y/n eat something please?" Mattheo prodded.

I looked down at my empty plate and then looked at the mountains of food before me.

I was so hungry but everything looked so unappetizing and looked like so much.

Pansy started to put random food on my plate but that made it worse.

Everything looked like a lot. I couldn't do that.

"Pansy, don't overwhelm her!" one of the new boys I didn't know said.

I think his name is Ezra or Ernie? Honestly it could be Bartholomew for all I knew.

Somebody, Mattheo I think, handed a piece of fruit to me.

I accepted that and started to eat it, not because I wanted to, because everyone was looking at me with pleading eyes and it made me feel bad.

AN* Okay, kinda got bored of this starving prompt so I'm going to move on. Everybody cared for her (especially Mattheo and Draco) and made sure she got her health back to normal. I'm sorry I just ran out of motivation... might go back and add later though...

*Quidditch Tryouts*

"All right you scruffy lot! What do you all play?" Marcus Flint, the team captain, barked at us.

Everybody started to talk at once.

"No no no..." he facepalmed, "I hate kids... get into groups you idiots! Seekers over there, chasers over there, beaters, keepers..."

He directed everybody to their spots. Everybody except me because I was only here for Draco's emotional support....

"Ok, what do you play?" he pointed to me.

"Um..." I stuttered, at a loss for words.

 Harry had been trying to get me to play Seeker but that was definitely not my position.

"Okay you obviously did not come here prepared but what else can you expect from a Potter, eh?" he laughed and a bunch of the kids laughed with him, "bet you want to be a seeker and get all the glory like your older brother huh?"

I stared at him right in the eye, "I'm trying out for chaser."

He smirked but I could see right through the facade of nonchalance.

He thought I was going to be just like my brother. Too bad he hadn't been watching me all last year as I tried to be as different from him as I possibly could.

"All right, well then, let's get started, see if you can even stay on your broom."

He gave brooms around to everybody, of course giving me the one with cracks and bristles falling out.

Draco came up behind me though and handed me a different broom.

"It's a Nimbus 2001, my father bought a bunch for the team," he said, somewhat snootily while also shooting Marcus Flint a dirty look for giving me a crappy broom.

"Thanks Draco," I smiled but it was pretty fake and Draco could tell I was going to give this try out everything I had.

Flint started us out by just flying through courses and what not, seeing if we could stay on our brooms.

He sent a couple crying kids back to the dorm after they smashed into one of the rings and completely destroyed three brooms.

We kept going for hours until there was a full quidditch team and three extras.

"Okay, we have three people we can't have here don't we? So let's see... Norbins, get out of here. How did he even make it this far?" Flint asks the girl next to him.

She shrugs with a clear look of disdain.

"Hmm... Potter your not bad," he says briefly, "you stay."

I look up with shock evident on my face.

"Oh get over yourself Potter, you just made it, that doesn't mean you're any better than the rest of us."

Draco looked over to me and smiled, he had made the team as well. How? I had no idea, he was good but he wasn't that much better than any of the other seekers that had tried out. They were even way bigger than him!

But I'm not complaining, now I have a friend on the quidditch team with me!

We walked back to the dormitory happily talking excitedly about quidditch, school, not being first years, and everything in between.

I walked into the Slytherin common room to find everyone sitting around, all turning their heads when we walked in.

"So...?" Enzo asked, slightly hesitantly.

I grinned, "We both made it!"

"Really? That's so cool!"


"Good job guys!"

"Let's go!"


"Wait, even Draco?"

We spent the rest of the night chatting and just hanging out. Oh, how I miss those days.

IM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED ON THIS STORY!!!! School has been really crazy these past few weeks and I had very little motivation for this story but I'm trying to push through the writer's block! Thx for all the love and support! Please remember to interact and have a great day/night! Love you all <3!

Lovesick ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ