The Return

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(summer after the first year [TW, starvation])

I heard the commotion before I knew what was going on.

I heard Vernon yelling, the car, Harry, the Weasleys, everything.

But I was in my room.

I rushed to the window, in an attempt to get their attention but by the time I opened my window, they were long gone, driving away into the safety of the midnight sky.

Everything that happened next was a blur.

Me crying into my pillows. Somebody locking and barricading the door. Yelling. Planning. Leaving.

I woke the next morning to silence. Terrifying, endless silence. They had left, all of them. The Dursleys had left on vacation, locked me in my room, and left nothing at home.

They had assumed I'd left with Harry.

Weeks passed. Hunger came. I managed to open up my door after a week but the only food in the house was half a loaf of bread and tap water.

I had no money and no neighbors around to ask for food from. I was starving.

I spent my days in my room, reading random books, old homework, and even textbooks. (not 'Hogwarts: A History' though; I'm not wasting my time on that)

It was torture.

Author's note:*Yes I know there is a way to get food in this scenario but... just bear with me cause I can't think of everything y'all; also don't question where she got all the materials or how she got to the train cause idk she just did I just needed some drama and this was the only thing I could think of*

On the Platform

I walked quickly, hiding my face behind my hair which was, by the way, very overdue for a haircut.

My stomach growled but I ignored it. Just a little longer and I would be back to three full meals a day. I could hold out until then.

All I had to do was hide from my friends until then. Easy enough, right? Right?

I stepped onto the train and walked to the back of the train. Nobody saw me. After scurrying into an empty cubby, I nestled into the corner with a book, attempting to hide myself.

"Y/n? Why are you sitting here alone?"

Mattheo's Perspective

Blaise, Pansy, Lorenzo, Theo, Draco and I sat in silence in our cubby. Luckily, we had managed to snag one of the bigger ones to fit all of us in it.

"Where's Y/n?" Pansy finally voiced the question we'd all been wondering.

"I dunno, do you think she's looking for us on the train?" Theo asked.

"Wait, who's Y/n?" Lorenzo asked.

"You'll meet her soon, she's great," Blaise said, grinning.

Just then a flash of color passed by the door and I saw a figure rush down the hall, right past us without even a glance.

I immediately knew it was her. But why was she walking strangely? And why had she gone right by us?

"Um, I'll be right back, i'm gonna go look for her," I muttered my excuse and stood up.

"I'll come!" Pansy volunteered hurriedly.

She had an awful crush on me but I could only ever see her as a friend.

"So will I," Draco said, standing and shooting me a smile.

I smiled gratefully back but Pansy looked like she wanted to punch him in the face.

Lovesick ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now