The Sorting

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I stared in awe at the massive castle of a school ahead of me as we sloshed through the water towards it.

This was it. This was when I finally made a name for myself and it would be the name Y/n. Not Potter. Not Harry. Y/n.

We docked and slowly headed up to the castle. I walked alone, separated from the rest of the group by a couple feet.

I watched as Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and Mattheo walked together having already formed a friend group.

I looked over to see Harry talking to the redhead whose mom had helped us onto platform 9 3/4.

Everybody seemed to already have made friends except me. I suppose I should be used to that by now. But why does it still hurt?

Just then, I heard somebody walk up beside me. It was Blaise.

"Um, hey... uh do you want to not walk alone?" he said awkwardly, 

I turned to see Draco and Mattheo watching earnestly but the second they saw me watching, they turned their heads away.

I smiled slightly.

"Sure, thanks."

I spent the rest of the walk just listening to their conversation. They tried to include me once, but they quickly realized it was to no avail. I didn't love to talk that much.

We finally made it into the castle and were hurried into a line leading up to a stool. Behind the stool was a tall woman in an emerald green dress holding an old hat.

People started to be sorted. They went up, sat on the stool with the hat on, and then the hat would yell one of the houses and they would go to their respective tables.

Harry and the boy he was sitting with got sorted into Gryffindor. Draco, Mattheo, and Pansy all got sorted into Slytherin. Blaise's last name was Zabini so he was probably going to be one of the last people to be called but I was right after Pansy.

I walked up to the stool, trying to imitate how I'd seen the other kids walking up, trying not to stand out.

I sat on the stool and the lady, Professor McGonagall, placed the sorting hat onto my head.

"Ah, another Potter, ay? Well, let's see if you're anything like your brother. Definitely smart enough for Ravenclaw, kind enough for Hufflepuff, brave enough for Gryffindor, and ambitious enough for Slytherin. It seems that we're at an impasse here, young Potter. You could be in any house...."

"Your brother is in Gryffindor, would you like to join him?"

"No!" I whispered harshly.

"Ah I see. You don't want to be like your brother, you've been in his shadow for too long, have you?"


"Well then... what will it be? Slytherin is for the ambitious and determined, Ravenclaw for the clever and wise, and Hufflepuff for the kind and humble. What would you have?"

I looked over to see Draco, Pansy, and Mattheo watching me. The first people to reach out to me, even if it had been through Blaise. The first to notice me.


"Alright then... better be... SLYTHERIN!" the sorting hat yelled

I smirked slightly, walking down to sit in the spot next to Draco, across from Mattheo.

Draco smiled at me and Pansy nodded and smirked at me. Mattheo looked at me from under his eyelashes, smiling, as he was slouching comfortably on the benches.

Blaise joined us a minute later and smacked the back of my head, "Glad you made the right choice on houses, Potter."

I rubbed the back of my head and grinned up at him, "Hopefully."

"Of course you did, if you didn't, I wouldn't be sitting next to you," Blaise said as he took the spot on the other side of me "Because we all know I have the best intellect out of anybody, I mean..."

"Suure Blaise, cause you definitely weren't the one that went to a restroom in King's Cross and got his hand caught down the toilet..." Draco said.

Everyone except Blaise laughed.

Blaise went red, "You promised you wouldn't say anything about that!"

"Oh lighten up, it's fine," Draco said.

"Yeah, I've done worse," I commented, " Pro tip: don't try to pet a duck, they're not friendly."

Lovesick ~ Mattheo Riddle x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin