Chapter 9

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*****three months later*****

~Selena POV~

Me and Carter decided to call quits. And I have been crying for weeks.

*****school starts*****

~Cameron POV~

I saw Selena walking out of her car and ran up to her, and noticed she was crying. I quickly hug her and kissed her forehead, and I asked her what happened and she said "I miss you so much, I live without you" I feel so bad for not coming back. why I am so stupid. I felt someone pull me away from her. it was Kian, great. I pull him off because he was making her uncomfortable. he tried to punch me but missed. I pushed him on the ground. he gets up and pushes me in a car. after that I was unconscious.

~Selena POV~

After Kian pushed him into the car, I go and punch him as hard I can. he falls on ground with a broken nose crying. i go to Cameron and he was unconscious. I go and call the ambulance. I was on Cameron's chest crying. finally the ambulance have arrived.

*****at the hospital*****

~Cameron POV~

I woke up in a hospital bed. and Selena walks in with my family. she goes and kisses me man, I miss her kisses.

~Selena POV~

I saw the nurse trying to flirt with cameron, so I say"i'm sorry but we're kind of a thing bye" she just rolls her eyes and walks away while Cameron is laughing and says "are you jelly or what" I just roll my eyes and kiss him. he sign languages "i ❤️ you." and I just blow a kiss😘. He starts hugging me and I take a pic and post it on Instagram and the caption said " I seriously love you @camerondallas ".he takes me home and he drops me off at the door where there was a note saying that dad wasn't going to be here for a month because of a business trip. so I asked cam " hey wanna stay over and could watch movies?" And said "sure and maybe we could have a make out session." I just roll my eye. I gave Cameron Austin's basketball shorts and a white t-shirt, and he gave me his fall out boy shirt and I go change into his shirt, white high socks with two black stripes, my glasses, and a messy hair bun. I come out and I see Cameron lick his lips. he turned around and said "how come you don't wear your glasses, you think their ugly but I think their hot." I just roll my eyes. I rest my head on his chest while I sit on his lap and rest my arms around his neck. after the movie of the notebook, Cameron wanted to re-act the kiss scene. so I come running to Cameron and jumped and he caught me and kissed while I wrapped my legs around his torso.

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