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Jenny's Pov:

I woke up by the sound of my name. I opened my eyes and saw Jack my brother looking at me and saying that I have to get ready because soon our new family will come to get us. I really hoped they would be kind people and they would take care of us. I was also excited to meet them. I didn't want to think about what happened to my family because that's a memory I will never forget. My parents arguing about business stuff and then my dad leaving angrily taking all our money and his clothes without even saying a goodbye to us. I felt betrayed. Nevermind let's not talk about that.

I stood up and went to my closet where all my clothes were. I put them into a bag nicely and then went to eat breakfast. As I went to the "cafeteria" I saw my best friend Evelyn. "Heyy Jen I see you are ready to leave huh?" Evelyn said to me as she hugged me. "Yeah I am so excited to meet my new family I hope they are kind" I replied to her as we sat at the table and took our food. "You will text me right? Please don't forget me!" Evelyn told me with tears in her eyes. I hugged her and swiped her tears. "I will text you and we will talk don't worry!" I said to her and she smiled. After we finished talking and eating I hugged her one last time before I go back to my room and take my things.

Me and Evelyn met here at the orphanage. She was the first one to welcome me and show me around. She is two years older than me. I've been here for 6 years. I first came to the orphanage when I was 10 and my brother was 12. Yeah, he is 2 years older than me. Evelyn is the same age as my brother. I think he have a crush on her because when he is around her he acts shy and weird , nevermind. Now I am 16 years old and finally we got adopted.

I packed my last minute things and as I got out of my room I saw my brother saying goodbye to his friends and coming towards me. "Are you ready?" My brother asked me. The truth is that I was a bit nervous to leave with other people I didn't actually know but I was at least with my brother. "Yep i am excited to meet them" I told my brother and we walked out of the center were our new parents waited us.

I looked at the parking place and I saw a tall petite brown haired woman get out of the car and beside her a taller man who was wearing a suit. They walked towards us. "Hey you must be Jenny and Jack right?I'm Maddie nice to meet you" the tall woman said as she took her hand out for us to shake it. "Hello nice to meet you too" my brother shook her hand and smiled. I was a bit shy and didn't talk much. "We adopted you and we are happy to be part of our family!I'm William by the way" the man next to Ms Maddie said to us. We got into the car and drive to our new house. The car ride was amazing. We got to know each other better and they seem very kind people. They also told us they have 2 kids one the same age as my brother and the other one one year older than me. I was curious to see how they looked like.

We arrived at the house and Mr William helped us with our stuff. We got inside and we saw two boys standing in front of the door. "Hey welcome to our family I'm Ethan and this is Cameron" the taller boy told us. I think he must be the older one. "Hello I'm Jack" my brother shook his hands with the boys. "And I'm Jenny" I said smiling to them. The older boy named Ethan looked at me. "You must be the younger one right?" Ethan told me. "Yeah.." I said a bit shy. I can't lie to yall he was HOT. "Alright don't worry we'll look after you" he winked at me and I blushed a bit. "Finally I am not the youngest anymore!" Cameron said laughing and then he walked to his father to help him with our things.

Cameron's Pov:

We heard the door to open and we went to the front door. They walked inside. I saw the blonde girl. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. We introduced ourselves and talked. I couldn't stop staring at those green eyes of her. I remembered that I have to share a room with her so it was even better for me. I know that I just met her but something about her is making me go wild.

Jenny's Pov:

After me and my brother told them our life and how we survived at the orphanage, we ate and then the boys took us upstairs to show us our rooms. Cameron told me to follow him. He took me to a nice large room with two beds on each side. "This is your room. We will share this room if you don't mind and this will be your side alright?" Cameron told me as he walked through a kind sized bed with a desk and a closet next to it. "Thank you it's amazing! I promise not to be too loud" I said excitedly as I put my stuff to my closet.

When I finished unpacking I went to the other room were all the boys where and Jack showed me his room. I got to say the house is huge and the rooms are very comfy. We went downstairs and outside at the backyard where there was a pool. It felt like I was living a dream. I could never imagine living at a house like that I always thought that I would be at the orphanage for a life. I said to myself that I have to make my new parents proud so they don't regret adopting me.

"Come on kids we will go to the town to show Jenny and Jack around." Mr William told us as we walked out of the backyard and got ready to leave.
We arrived at the town. I haven't seen more beautiful town like this. We got ice cream and the boys took us to the park that was near the ice cream shop. I made some new friends!

After two hours we got back home and I quickly fell asleep. It was the best day of my life until Ethan brought a girl to his room. They were making out for 30 minutes!? Alright I know I said that I won't make any problems but I was trying to relax and they were making LOUD noises. I couldn't sleep so I texted Evelyn and told her about everything that happened today. I felt kind of bad for her living at the orphanage and me having the best day of my life but nevermind. One hour passed by and they stopped making noises I think they fell asleep or the girl left so I quickly fell asleep dreaming about how the other days will be.


Heyyy thanks for reading the first part. What do you think about Cameron and Ethan so far? Write at the comments what should I write next and also don't forget to vote♡
See you in the next part!

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