Chapter 1

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Have you ever wondered about mystical creatures from another world? a piece of an unknown kingdom or universe? Dragons cannot exist, right? Well, I never thought that one day the fate of my world would forever change. Our story begins with two twins having their fifth birthday blowing out her candles thinking, 'I wish I can forever find happiness'. Danielle says, "go have fun in the fields but don't wander too far". Jasper says, "come on Emmy". Emerald follows Jasper as he comes across a barn; Emerald says, "Jasper I don't think we should be here, mommy said not to go so far". Jasper says, "don't be a chicken, sissy". Jasper headed inside while Emerald watched outside when all of a sudden a Dragon appeared above. Emerald's body was filled with fear as before she knew it the barn exploded as Emerald screamed. "JASPER!". Emerald felt her body weak and passed out (End of flashback). Emerald thinks, 'Dragons, brutal bloodthirsty shifters have ruled over the world for centuries... their fire means death but something else is worse becoming one of their slaves'. Emerald wasn't focused on what she was doing and dropped the glass bottle on the floor. Nathan angrily came into the kitchen and slapped Emerald yelling, "you spilled my best liquor!". Emerald says, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it was-". Nathan raises his hand to strike her again however is interrupted by the roaring roar of a Dragon overhead which cuts him off.

Emerald hears the roar too as she remembers, 'it's the coldest solstice- the longest night of the year and the one night where the Dragons haunt the skies.. and hunt us humans, taking us back to become one of their sick playthings'. Emerald got up clenching her fist angrily as Pearl says, "God damnit, Emerald, be quiet! Are you trying to get me kidnapped and made into a fucking slave?!". Pearl glares at her sister as she fakes and pretends a frightened sob to get her more into trouble. Emerald rolls her eyes thinking, 'Pearl the drama queen and the person intended on making my life more miserable...'. Emerald says, "you're not the only one in danger, Pearl". Pearl asks, "who would want you? you're just a murderer who took our little brother-". Emerald replies, "you know Pearl I didn't kill our brother, he-". Emerald is not able to finish what she is saying as Danielle comes in grabbing her by her hair and yanking her to face her cold eyes. Danielle coldly says, "shut your damn mouth, Emerald, one more word and I'll throw you outside". Emerald pushes her mother off and heads to her room angrily thinks, 'I'll get out of here one day, away from these damn Dragons, away from this so-called family'. Suddenly a voice called out, "EMERALD! Emerald, help me, please!". Emerald looked out of the window as she feels her heart stopping recognizing her best friend's voice. Emerald remembers a memory of Lily from pre-school and their promise.

Emerald runs downstairs coming into the living room saying, "oh my god, it's Lily! we have to let her in!". Nathan replies, "no way, not a chance in hell!". Emerald hears a vicious snarls rumbles behind the door as Lily screams; Emerald thinks, 'no, I won't let her be taken, I won't let anyone else suffer'. Emerald heads into the kitchen and grabs a knife as Danielle and Nathan threaten her however she ignores them sprinting for the door. Emerald comes out to see the roaring flames around the town as she calls out, "LILY! where are you?! Lily, I-". She feels the ground suddenly shake as two Dragon land in front of her shifting down into their human forms. They smirk while looking at her asking, "what do we have here? she's a sexy gorgeous one!". The other guy says, "yeah, but she's feisty, we'll need to break her in, teach her how to behave". One guy walks closer saying, "come over here little girl, let me show you how we like it!". Emerald snarls gripping her knife in her hand thinking, 'there's no way I'm letting these monsters touch me'. Emerald points the knife as the two men chuckle saying, "you don't want to fight us babe, you won't last a second".

Emerald firmly says, "bring it on, assholes! I will chop your balls off if you dare touch me". One of the guy smirks and brings out his fangs saying, "oh baby, you couldn't chop of my little finger". Emerald playfully smirks saying, "come here and find out". As he comes towards her she uses the knife to slice deep into his thigh as he cries out, "Agh! You little bitch, I'll kill you!". Emerald braces herself as the guy transforms into his Dragon form with a powerful claw to attack however stops mid-way; she opens her eyes to see a man twice his size, as dark and dangerous as the storm-field sky standing in front of her. The unknown figure says, "you hurt her, and I'll hurt you!". The guys both look at him frightened saying nervously, "Hunter, we- we only meant to-". Hunter angrily says, "do I look like I give a damn about your excuses?". Emerald watches as the Dragon flashes sharp, shocking deep purple eyes as the two assholes back away, fleeing into the night. Hunter turns to Emerald who says, "um... I had that managed". Hunter says, "no, you didn't".

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