Chapter 8

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Annabelle says, "if one of us catches you before sunrise, we get to do whatever we want to you, for a whole night". Emerald feels her blood run cold as Annabelle moves closer and places her finger above Emerald's chin saying, "you know... a night can feel like an extremely long time particularly with someone like me, but I am nothing compared to Damien". Emerald tries to not to move as Annabelle turns to a box before shoving it onto Emerald saying, "Goodluck for tonight, when someone catches Damien's eyes... they never last long and you little minx have definitely caught his eyes". Annabelle comes out of the room before slamming the door as Emerald takes a deep breath before rummaging through the box at the various clothes. She thinks, 'there must be something in here that can help me run... these outfits... bloody sickos!'.Emerald soon finds out a dress with a pocket as a small paper comes out of it.Emerald opens the piece of paper to find a message, 'remember, stay alive...I will find you'. Emerald remembers Hunter's words and understands that the note is from him. She changes into the silver dress before looking at herself thinking, 'it's not much but hopefully it will help me tonight'. Emerald wonders what to do next however she doesn't have time to do that as a guard appears and holds her tightly. She says, "hey! let go of me". Emerald is dragged out into the cold as the night air is a small chilly breeze, Emerald sees the cage where all the human are chained. The guard lets Emerald go as she is about to move when Damien appears and whispers into her ear, "run fast, little girl I love a good chase". Emerald turns to Damien with anger in her eyes saying, "come for me, I dare you!". Damien smirks saying sarcastically, "hmm,was that your fighting speech? How lovely, but a few hours alone with me and you will forget how to fight and more". He brings out a blindfold and puts it on her as Emerald feels her body trembling whilst Damien says, "I look forward to our time together, after I catch you". 

Emerald clenches her fist saying, "go to hell, you sick-". Damien transforms into his Dragon as Emerald is shoved into the cage. There is a loud gong as the cage is opened as the slaves prepare to run however are stopped; Emerald removes her blindfold as she looks around at the abandoned junk around her. She thinks, 'this place...'. Damien says, "welcome to our hunting ground little pets, by now you all know what will happen if we catch you before sunrise, there's just one rule to this little game... run as fast as you can!". Damien blows outa huge fire as the cage opens, and everyone scatters. Emerald runs deeper and jumps onto a ledge before climbing and landing in the middle. Emerald calls out, "Lily!". Emerald looks around as her feet splash through the mud saying, "I know Lily won't survive out here, she's too weak!". Emerald hears the roar of the Dragons as she thinks, 'damn, I am not going to last long either looking like a silver coin'. Emerald looks around before soon noticing in front of her a puddle filled with mud and oil. Emerald bends down as she scoops it in her hand before rubbing it all on her skin and clothes.Emerald thinks, 'it's not ideal but it's better than nothing'. Suddenly a huge cascade of fire, like a tidal wave comes rolling towards her; she looks around and sees an abandoned car. She immediately sprints for the car and flings herself in through the cracked window just in time. The scalding flame blows past her as Emerald curls herself up between the torn seat. She can feel the car getting hotter and hotter each minute thinking, 'oh god, I am going to roast in here!'. Emerald closes her eyes as soon after which felt like forever the flames and the Dragon who made them are gone. Emerald opens her eyes and coughs saying, "that was a close call". She gets out of the car as she hears someone calling out, "PLEASE STOP! H-HELP!". 

Emerald feels that the person is being tortured as she runs towards the cry for help; the guy is badly bloodied and bruised pleading for the pain to stop. Two Dragons pounce from above shifting into their human forms as Emerald recognises them. They both look at the slave with a smirk saying, "stop? Help? don't be such a weak little cunt!". Emerald thinks, 'they are the same guys who attacked my town!'. The slave spits out blood saying, "p-please.... s-stop...".One of them responses, "the only thing we want from you to do is scream, pathetic human!". Emerald notices the slave struggling to breath as the presses his foot on the guy's throat. He reaches out his hand weakly saying, "s-someone...h-help....please...". Emerald clenches her fists and her eyes filled with anger before she approaches the two guys saying, "hey, long time no see....". The two of them look at her however before they can do anything Emerald throws a huge rock over the man's head. He screams out and hits the floor within seconds covered in blood. The other guy says, "I know you! you're the bitch from before?!".

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