Chapter 10

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Emerald kneels beside Lily who is in a wounded condition saying, "I...I should have found you sooner, Lil." Lily says, "no, you did everything you could, I'm grateful Emmy." Hunter orders the infirmary to take Lily away to tend to her wounds as she is carried away. Hunter takes Emerald's hand as they soon head back to the castle; soon in Hunter's room he is in an angry mood. Emerald notices this as he asks, "now that we are alone, tell me the truth, are you ok, Emerald?." Emerald replies, "I am, thanks to... you saving me and my survival skills but if you had not arrived when you did, I am sure Damien would have-." Hunter clenches his fists with a scowl expression saying, "I really thought... for a second... Damien had...." Emerald thinks, 'I am his slave.... he's so strong... he could do anything, and I would be powerless to stop him.' Within a second Hunter grips Emerald's wrist and pulls her across the room as she feels a sudden sharp fear gripping her heart. Hunter pulls Emerald into a spacious luxurious bathroom; he heads over to the tap and turns the water to fill the tub. As he drops two bath bombs and as the water begins to get hotter with soap swirls and steam; Hunter grabs a cloth dipping it and squeezing it out. Emerald looks at Hunter who turns to her saying, "you are covered in dirt, blood and that's fucking asshole scent, I can't stand it! I need to remove it from you." 

Hunter's eyes change purple as his facial expression is fury with Emerald staring at the person in front of her as she thinks, 'oh god.... is he... going to hurt me?.' Hunter senses Emerald's fear in her eyes and hands trembling before taking a deep breath and softening saying, "look I am not going to hurt you, I am nothing like him Emerald... trust me." Emerald feels the sincerity in his eyes and voice before nodding as he comes over and lifts her before placing her in the tub,Hunter pulls her to sit closer to the edge as he begins to wipe her gently.Emerald turns to the side in her thoughts wondering, 'I feel his warmth and heat pouring off him whenever he is close to me....' Hunter spins her around and pulls her closer wiping the cloth over her neck as her breath catches the heart blooming beneath his touch. Hunter says, "stay still for me." He carefully and gently strokes off the grime and gore from the mud and hunt, water drips down Emerald's cleavage as he holds her wrist gently before saying, "deep breath." Emerald does as he say and then dips into the water as it washes her hair before she soon comes back up and Hunter continues to gently rub the cloth over her arm saying, "you went through hell out there." Emerald looks at him tearfully saying, "it was the terrifying thing I have ever had to do." Hunter says, "I can only imagine." Emerald says, "I am not sure you can even imagine it, Hunter,how do you know and can feel what it's like to be weak?." Hunter stops a she looks into Emerald's eyes filled with sadness saying, "I do not think you are weak, Emerald." For the first time, Emerald has a look at Hunter deep within his eyes, hair, and lips however suddenly she feels a sharp stringing pain which makes her wince. Hunter stops asking worriedly, "what is the matter?." Emerald feels her abdomen as she replies, "I t-think I have a bruised rib." 

Hunter says, "let me check." Emerald feels Hunter hand trailing lower as Emerald tries to pull back however Hunter wraps his hands around her waist with the gentlest and lightest touch. Hunter has a pleading look in his eyes as he says, "Emerald, please stay still." Emerald looks into Hunter's eyes feeling a sense of worry and agony however as Hunter says, "you can trust me, Emerald." Emerald nods, takes a deep breath before moving closes to Hunter granting him permission to remove her clothes. He slowly lifts it from her as Emerald feel a little conscious being exposed in her bra however Hunter is not staring at her breast but at her abdomen which has a dark reddish, purplish bruise. Hunter says, "humans are so delicate...." He takes the cloth as he presses it to her rib as Emerald winces and louds ouch a small scream saying, "" Hunter says, "I know, it's alright... hold onto me." Emerald grips his shoulders as he maintains pressure, burying her head onto his shoulder. Slowly Emerald begins to feel the pain fade as she relaxes into his grasp. Hunter asks, "does that feel much better?." Emerald answers, "yes, thank you Hunter."

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