Chapter 31: Escape

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Chapter 31:

Melody's P.O.V.

I slipped out the front door when no one was looking, they were all congregating in Sylvester's temporary room and I recalled hearing Raven's name being mentioned when I had walked past the room. My heart felt as though it were creeping up my throat and was engulfed by a horrible nauseous feeling.
Across the yard I could see the gates were shut tightly and probably locked. I put my hand into my jeans pocked and fumbled around until I could fish out my phone, a potentially plan crushing gasp left my lips when the phone almost slid out of my grasp. I exhaled and thanked God, or whoever was up there. I tapped lightly on the screen and it dimly lit up, I still had no replies from Angel.
I had texted him 3 times and I admit that the third message said 'Spam'. In the several hours he'd been gone I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little worried about him. Reluctantly I slid the phone back into my pockets and began to jog to the tall ebony gates, checking over my shoulder every few steps I took. I could see a weakness a quarter of the way up the wall, where a chunk had fallen out and was crumbled at the ground. I put my foot on this and put my palms on the ledge of the wall. I dragged myself up slowly, feeling the skin rip and shred and small stone particles stab my palms. I hissed at the pain. I pushed myself over the wall and landed surprisingly softly into ferns however I heard a smashing noise and when I looked around me I found my phone, with its screen completely smashed. Of course this would happen to me. So there goes getting a reply from Angel. I stayed there for a moment on my knees and blew off the small stones that embedded themselves into my skin. 

I struggled to my feet and began a slow jog through the thicket of trees and branches. I was careful to watch out for the overgrown twisting ivy and the bending roots so I wouldn't trip over them. My slowed breathing and the jogging was beginning to bring on an unstoppable wave of hiccups and the empty loneliness and helplessness of my situation was beginning to sink in slowly.

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Angel's P.O.V.

I strolled through the small village, it was filled with people flittering around. The sun was beating down on me, I was resisting the urge to squirm and go running for the shade even though I was well covered by my hood. All around me I could hear young children screaming and laughing, and just generally being annoying and loud as most children are, and men hauling building materials to and from a house in construction.
The village reminded me a lot of Melody's village, so much so that it made me feel physically sick and a weary sigh was forced from my lips.

And then the memories flooded my mind all at once. The killing with no remorse, drinking their blood and ripping a girls chest open, an innocent girl.

We had been told not to kill yet I didn't care.

I didn't obey.

I remember how easy it was so surround Melody, to take her back with us and yet she never seemed to put up a fight maybe because she had so much faith in her brother. We all, in one way or another, contributed in ruining her life.

My legs stopped in their tracks and an unexpected iron smell hit me so hard I felt dizzy. I looked to a girl no older than 16 standing in a dingy and dark alley holding a sharp looking knife, her eyes were fixated on her left hand that was pouring out blood. I could see that it was a deep cut that only stitches would fix.

I drifted to her, my feet felt as though they were on cotton clouds and every breath I took en-powered the hideous beast within me. With every exhale my self control floated away to the back of my mind, becoming irrelevant. When I reached her my hand stretched out and rested on her shoulder causing her to jump and look at me with terrified bright eyes.

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