Chapter 23: Cheated

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Chapter 23:

Gray's P.O.V.

"Just listen to me Gray! It wasn't what it looked like!" Dawn was screaming.

"I can't believe you. I- I'm done. We're done. I'm leaving." I had made up my mind there and then and there was no changing it.

She was sneaky. She was sly. She was a cheating whore who took me away from my sister because she was jealous of our bond.

"No please." She sounded desperate now.

I took the stairs two at a time, I wasn't going to listen to her tell me that her cheating on me was a mistake.

"Sylvester?" I called, walking down the hall into my room to gather up what little stuff I had with me. 

Victoria appeared at my doorway holding Trinity, one of her two twin girls. "He's gone out for a little while dear." She lowered her voice ."Is everything alright? I heard shouting and.."

I shook my head. "I'm leaving, I'm going back to Melody. I feel awful for leaving her and I can't believe I stayed here for her." I growled.

She nodded. "I understand."

"Tell Sylvester I said thanks. For everything."

She smiled. "I'll be sure to. And who knows, Ryan travelled to The Isle of Man to meet up with his clan, maybe you'll see him there."

"Maybe I will." I shut my case and turned to Victoria. "I'll be on my way now."

"Stay safe and give Melody my well wishes, along with Angel and Ashley.." A sad smile formed.

"I will." I smiled and hugged her tightly.

I waved at Trinity who stared at me with amused charcoal eyes. I hurried down the stairs to be faced by Dawn blocking the front door.

"I won't let you leave me." She sobbed, mascara running down her face with her tears.

"I don't want to hear it." I growled.

"I'm sorry!" She was sobbing louder and louder by the minute.

"No, you're just sorry you got caught. Now move." 

"No, I'm sorry. I'll do any-"

I stepped forward, grabbed her by the arms and forced her behind me so I could leave. I opened the latch on the door.

"Gray, don't do it." I could hardly make out what she was saying through her tears.
She was slumped on the ground now and I made sure I slammed the door behind me.

Melody's P.O.V.

I was under extreme pressure.

"Its okay. Just relax, straighten your back, shoulders back, head held high, knee's together, hands in lap." She instructed.

She had ordered me around since I walked into the house. I didn't know her name but she knew mine. Raven sat back comfortably in his soft embroidered chair, watching with an amused face. 

"One must sit like a lady. One must act like a lady." She yapped.

I didn't respond.

"Smile dear." She instructed, tapping my arm lightly.

Onto my face I pulled the fake-est smile I have ever smiled.

"Gorgeous." She complimented.

I cleared my throat. "Thank you."

"She speaks!" One of the others spoke up shocked.

I had forgotten about them. As soon as I walked in they all stared like they were starstruck. There were three of them. One with red hair that covered one of his onyx black eyes, he was short but still well built. Sitting beside him was a man in his late forties with graying hair, he looked to be over six feet tall. And finally sat there with a huge grin across his face was Ryan, I jumped when I recognised him.

He clapped his hands together. "You recognise me!" He boomed, his fangs on clear view as he spoke. 

"It's been too long hasn't it!"

I blinked a few times and sat there speechless.


"It's been a tough day." Raven spoke up. "For both of us."

"What happened?" Ryan asked, his voice lowering.

Raven looked at me, I looked back at him.

"Perhaps another time Ryan." He said firmly.

"Oh, okay." He let it drop.

"Anyway guys" He stood up. "This is Melody. Melody this is James" He suggested to the short red head who nodded a greeting. "And this is Andrew." He suggested to the older guy.

"Pleased to meet you." Andrew smiled.

"And you too." I replied quietly.

"We have too much to catch up on!" He stood up and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the room.

"Ditto." Raven sighed, looking down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, as we walked by the lake, my arm looped through his.

"Just thought a change of scenery would be nice. I don't live in Germany anyway, I was only there for a meeting that never even took place." He sighed.

"Oh... Right." 

Without warning Ryan un-looped his arm from mine and started taking his shoes off.

"Uh Ryan?"

He took off his socks and rolled up his sky blue jeans as far as possible and then took a step into the lake.

"Hey!" I waved my arms about.

"Ooh that's cold." He breathed. "Care to join me?" He looked over his shoulder.

? P.O.V.

It ate at him from the inside out, like it had to all of our experiment rats. I watched him squirm, I heard his screams. His body twitched and jumped, shaking the human sized test tube filled with water boiled to about 42°C. Bubbles swirled around his bare trembling body, showing off the upside down triangle with the small circle in the center, the marking Havoc had left on his chest. The claim on his host.

I smiled at my master piece. 50 years of my life went into creating, defining and improving Havoc - the ultimate weapon. My ultimate weapon. I turned away and leaned over the keyboard, staring at the computer screen. I typed in the date and the exact time along with today's observations of the infestation of Havoc into the hosts body. So far the infestation had taken 65 long, slow days and is nearing completion any day now. My body tingled with excitement. Soon I could take revenge on everyone who had ever upset me. I could take down entire cities in hours with Havoc.

I sighed and shut down the computer, slowly walking to the light switch and flipping it off, plunging the room in to the darkness with only a little light emanating from the glass capsule containing the soon to be Havoc. With every passing day the boy looked less like himself and more like Havoc. Not that there was much of a difference between them anyway. That's what drew me to him. He looked so much like what Havoc did, or at least what Havoc looked like in my dreams, and his power. His body was strong, unlike the pathetic human's before him that had been mere failed experiments. Oh yes, he was the one. He would be the greatest, most powerful experiment. He just needs to wake up.

The clock ticked and tocked. I always awoke a few minutes before the alarm went off. I lay in bed and almost waited for the alarm to sound. I decided not to wait, got up, pulled my lab coat over my black t-shirt and striped pyjama trousers, stepped into my shoes and made my way down to the experiment lab. I sighed, not sparing a glance at the capsule I turned on the computer. I grabbed a pencil from the desk and chewed the end of it as I searched for some paper. I turned around and glanced up. 

My jaw dropped and the pencil fell, crashing to the floor. I chuckled as I regained myself.

"Finally Havoc, you've woken up. Its a shame I missed your final transformation."

The yellow eyes darted around the room before settling on me.


Vote if you hate Dawn as much as I do :)

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