Chapter 27: Digging up the Past

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Chapter 27:

Melody's P.O.V.

My feet sunk into the soft carpet of our home again. The main hall was bright from the daylight, yet the top of the stairs was gloomy. I looked down the hall to where Matt's room was, the door was shut tight like I had left it.

"Melody, you stay here while Gray and I check out the house." Matt instructed, his voice sounded like he wouldn't be argued with.

"No way. I am not standing here doing nothing. I'm always the useless one." I frowned at him.

Gray let out heavy sigh. "It's for your safety."

"That makes no sense. You're saying I wouldn't be safe looking for Angel with you and Matt but leaving me here in the hall alone is safe?" 

"She's got us there..." Matt pursed his lips.

"Fine. But you've to stay-" Gray began.

"Yeah yeah, I got it." I cut him off and ran for the stairs, taking them 2 steps at a time, leaving Matt and Gray behind.

I raced down the hall nearly crashing into the walls when there was a sharp corner, and ran for Angel's room. I slowed to a jog when I could see the door of his room. I stopped outside, breathing deeply. A sick feeling settled in my gut. I wasted no time staring at the door handle like I normally would when wondering if I should go into someone's room and cautiously opened the door.

At first glance the room was empty and I nearly closed the door again but as my eyes scanned the room a second time I noticed a lump, a person, in Angel's bed. I was hoping it was Angel because if it wasn't I was in big trouble. I cautiously strode over to the bed. The covers were pulled up over the persons head so I couldn't tell who it was from their hair colour. My heart was thumping and I wanted nothing more than to turn around and walk out of the room but I couldn't. I grabbed hold of the duvet and ripped it back. I saw blonde hair but the figure very quickly jumped up and pressed himself to the wall, his bright blue eyes were alive with fright.
It was Angel. He was alive.
And shirtless.

"It's just me." I raised my hands in a defensive manner. "Its okay Angel, its okay." I said slowly and calmly. 

He didn't budge, or take his eyes off me.

"Angel its only me relax, I'm not going to hurt you. It's not like I could anyway..." I stepped up onto the bed with him, he remained on the opposite side of the bed to me.

I noticed now how his lip was cut. I took a few unsteady slow steps towards him to see if he would protest but he never said a word or moved, he just watched. As soon as I was close enough I reached out and touched his shoulder, he flinched. He made a quick advance towards me, I froze thinking he was going to attack me, but thankfully he didn't. His arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace and he buried his face in my neck. I wasn't worried that he would bite me, I knew he wouldn't. I secured my arms around his cold back but felt unusual raised skin.

"Angel... Turn around." I pursed my lips together as he obeyed me and slowly turned around, showing me his back.

I inhaled sharply as I spotted three long dark pink lines down his back, crossing over each other.

"What happened..?" I touched his shoulder and he turned back around.

I noticed his eyes were brown now, I tensed. 

"Ashley had a silver knife. Its okay though... It's not too sore, and its already healed up a lot." He spoke quietly. "Are you here alone?" 

"No, Gray and Matt are here too."

Unbeating (Revamped*)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt