Chapter 16: Happy Birthday

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Chapter 16:

Matt's P.O.V.

We stood in wait of Ryan and Melody. Melody's and Gray's surprise birthday party was set up in the living room, it wasn't a surprise for Gray since he helped set it up despite Veronica's protests. A banner that read. "Happy 18th Birthday Twins!" hung from the ceiling, there were random coloured streamers and pink and blue balloons bouncing around.

Angel and I were in black suits for no reason except to look fancy as fuck. Whilst everyone else was dressed in normal, casual clothes.

"They're taking forever." Dawn complained, she rarely spoke, but when she did she was usually complaining or insulting something or someone.

"Who knows what they're doing." Angel sighed.

Raven and I glared daggers at him.

He shrugged. "You never know."

"You never know what?" Ryan walked through the door with Melody behind him.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes alight. I couldn't keep a smile from my face.

"Happy Birthday!" Veronica sung.

Sylvester brushed his hair more over his face, he always seemed to be shy around new people. He walked away from everyone else towards the window and gazed outside into the dark.

"Dawn and I are going to take you shopping tomorrow since we weren't able to get you anything." Veronica smiled.

"You don't have to, my birthday isn't important." Melody blushed.

Gray snorted. "Of course it's important, you only turn 18 once."

Plus the fact that now you've been dragged into the vampire world you most likely become one of us and now every birthday is so important, so enjoy it while you can. Obviously, I'd never be able to say that out loud to her. I didn't have the guts to it but I knew it was true, and so did probably everyone here, except for her.

Raven joined Sylvester at the window, I could faintly hear their conversation.

"They're watching." Sylvester said monotonously.

"What do you mean, what are you talking about?" Raven asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Aaron and his clan. They're watching our decisions, they're watching us when we leave the house."

"Are they going to do anything?" Raven gulped.

"I doubt it. They know we have possibly every single other clan in the world behind us, they make one bad move and they'll be eliminated."

"What do they want?" 

"One of us maybe, I can't be sure." Sylvester sighed.

"Hey you two, come over here." Veronica said sternly, probably catching their conversation too, they were speaking so low that it would be impossible for Melody to hear.

They did as they were told and put on fake smiles for Melody's sake. I dug my fingers into my palms. How much more of this could I take? 

I didn't have time to feel guilty. Not now, it would all be over tomorrow. I can be free, she can be free.

This is for the good of her.

"If you love someone then prove it because love is not a noun to be defined, but a verb to be acted upon."

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