Chapter 59

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Valeriana's pov

Devyn, Kian and I were at the location where the Spanish family were being held. It was stormy outside. The thunder boomed loudly. Lightning was flashing and lighting up the night. Kian cut the power to the building. It wouldn't raise suspicion since the storm was right over us. Power outages were happening all over town. It settled the whole security camera problem as well. It worked in our favor.

The thunder blocked the hushed voices of the guards when it cracked through the almost silent building. The night vision gear I wore made it easy to take out my victims. They never see it coming. I carefully walk through the hall. I was trying to get to where the family was held.

My eyes land on a person walking through the hall. I hid behind the corner. A flash of light lit the hall. I was lucky I hid or the guard would have caught me. As he walks past I step behind him. My arms circled the man. He was around the same height as me. He was small for a grown man. I covered his mouth as I slit his throat. I drag his body out of the way before continuing down the hall.

"I don't understand how a woman like her settles for him. He's a complete asshole. We all know she must be in it for the money. He's a billionaire." A woman's voice says.

"Oh she is in it for the money. Her husband has a dangerous lifestyle; he can die suddenly because of his enemies. Leaving all his money to her. There is no doubt about it. Unless the sex is good." Another woman spoke on the topic. I roll my eyes before killing them. After hiding their bodies I finally reach the basement at the same time as Devyn and Kian.

"We cleared out our sides for now. I say we have 5 minutes before they figure out we are here," Kian whispered. I nod my head. Devyn opens the door. There was light down here. It looked like lanterns. I take off the night vision gear before we head down. There were twenty guards down here. They were torturing the whole family. They all had brown hair. The mother and son had slightly lighter hair than the daughter and father. The family were all groaning in pain. Devyn and Kian look at me. I nod my head. We all rush to help the family.

"Get the fuck away from them," Devyn shouts. The guards turn towards her. They all pull their guns. I grab the closest body to me. It was a man. I use his body as a shield as I shoot the others. The guy elbowed me in the stomach. I crack him with the butt of my gun. His body drops to the ground. I shoot him quickly before finishing the rest of the guards. Once there were no more. Devyn and Kian cut the hostages free. The family rushed to each other and hugged one another tightly.

"I hate to break this up but this can happen later... you know when we make it out alive.," I say before turning around and heading upstairs. Devyn and Kian follow after the family. I hold the door open for the family. The light turns on. I scan the halls quickly. "Shit," I mutter. The camera's were now active.

"Well we're about to have some fun," Kian chuckles darkly.

"You hid the bodies out of the camera's view right?" I asked. My team nodded at me. I nod my head. I move the family by shoving them forward.

"Besides the mess of bodies in the basement," Devyn pitched in. My body tensed.

"Yeah that's going to be a problem," I say before walking forward. My ears pick up the sound of heavy footsteps. I push past the family. Several bodies round the corner. I run forward towards the group. At the last second I slide on the ground between one guard's legs. I stab him in the dick before jumping up. I stab another in the stomach. I sweep his feet out from under him. He crashed to the floor. I threw my knife in the eye of another before catching a flying fist. I fling my legs around the guard before flipping us onto the ground. I land on him and grab a gun before shooting the others running around the corner. I get up and grab my knife from the guy's eyes.

"Let's go," I said to the family. They stare at me wide eyed. The father cleared his throat.

"Just curious. Who sent you and who are you three?" He asked. I smirk at him.

"Aurelio sent us. Your looking at Halo, Mr. Herrera. Now get a fucking move on or I'll let you fend for yourselves on getting out of this building alive. Which might I add is impossible without us so get moving," I say. They all start walking after me. Devyn and Kian left us as I worked to get out of the building while they took care of the guards that stumbled upon us. After getting out of the building Devyn and Kian join us. The guards that were stationed outside were no longer there. They must be inside the building looking for us.

Kian leads us to the van. I shove the family in before slamming the door shut behind me as I got in the back. Kian and Devyn were in the front. Devyn drove off the property the same way we got in without being detected. Now it was a long drive home.


Devyn pulls into Aurelio's warehouse. I open the door and help the family out. All my brothers rushed over when they noticed we were here.

"That was fast," Papà says. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"It would have taken longer if Aurelio sent out a group of his men. Well, there you go, Aurelio. The Spanish family untouched," I state motioning to them.

"What do you mean untouched? They are injured and bleeding," Nazario says. I nod my head.

"I meant untouched by me and my team, sorry. They were like that when we showed up. Actually in the middle of being tortured. No need to thank us by the way," I state. Aurelio shook his head.

"How did you get Halo to do this?" the Spanish father asked. Aurelio chuckled before looking at me. I nod my head.

"Actually I didn't want them to do this. But my sister is quite convincing. This is my sister Valeriana," Aurelio says. I smirk at the father. His eyes were wide.

"I wasn't aware you finally found her. I'm Ander. This is my wife Estela. Our kids Anita and Iker. Thanks for rescuing my family," Ander says. He held his hand out for me. I look at it before slowly bringing my hand to meet his. He shook my hand. Once he was done I quickly let go and stepped away from him.

"I only did it to prove to Aurelio my team was what they needed. Rub it in his face that I am better than him," I say. Aurelio smiles at me before placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Aurelio, man. She is good. She shocked me today. Didn't expect her to take down 15 guards on her own. She ran to them instead of handling them from afar," Ander says. Aurelio looked at me. I raise my hands.

"Yes, I know it was stupid but good news. They didn't injure me," I say. I chuckle as I remember what I did. "I stabbed a guy in his dick and another in their eye. Do you know how many points that is?" I asked. My brothers look at me weirdly.

"Two hundred each," Kian responds.

"To cut off an ear and have that after we walk away is worth a thousand," Devyn smirks. She held an ear up. It was bloody. Kian and I look at each other before reaching into our pockets. We both pull an ear out. We start laughing.

"First kill?" I asked. They nod with a smirk.

"You three are fucking insane. You keep score on missions?" Matteo asked.

"Pfft, Of course who doesn't?" Devyn asked. I nod my head.

"Is that not a thing?" Kian asked. I look at all my brothers. They shook their heads. I look at my friends.

"For people who also kill for a living they look at us like we're in the wrong," I lean into my friends to talk with them.

"We can hear you," Santino says.

"Look. you hired us to do this. How we do it shouldn't concern you," I state while shoving the ear in my pocket. I'll dispose of it later.

"Didn't hire you. You forced me to make you take the job by sticking your crazy friends on me," Aurelio sighs. I smile at him while shaking my head.

"They bothered you because they wanted to go on the mission. I didn't tell them to annoy you until you gave us the job." Aurelio rolled his eyes. Devyn and Kian nodded their heads with smirks. 

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