Chapter 60

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Valeriana's pov

Trey has been sitting with my friends and I for lunch. Occasionally he will sit with our brothers but it isn't often. He got along pretty well with Ellis and Jaylin. Sophie doesn't seem to get along with him. I think it's because her boyfriend Luke doesn't like Trey. Luke has made it known about his dislike towards Trey. Sophie was fine with Trey at first until her boyfriend got pissy about her talking with him.

The bell rings causing me to get out of my seat. I head towards my locker. I unlock it before putting my things away. Once I was done I felt a hand touch my waist. I look over and see Verena. She smiles at me. I smile at her. Her eyes roam over my locker.

"Your locker is way more organized than all of your brothers including Trey's," Verena states. I chuckle before looking at my locker. It was organized. I had a spot for everything. Nothing was out of place.

"I actually trashed Trey's locker yesterday to piss him off. Did you get to see his reaction?" I asked.

"No, but Rico told Valen about how upset Trey was when he saw it. You did the opposite, little love," she says. My shoulder dropped. I upset Trey. Damnit. "Quick question, if you don't have periods, why do you have period products in your locker?" Verena asked. I glance at the top shelf in my locker. Where the feminine products were.

"A while ago I was asked for a pad from someone and obviously I didn't have any. Ever since then I keep them here for the future. So far I have been able to give three girls whatever they needed," I say before shutting my locker and locking it. Verena looks at me with admiration.

"Aw, look at you being cute again," Verena states as she maneuvers her way through the crowd of students. I punch her shoulder while rolling my eyes.

"I like to be helpful. I do bad things for a living or I used to. Now it's more of a revenge thing. I'm not getting paid to do what I'm currently doing," I say. Verena nods her head. We walked into the cafeteria.

"What do you want to eat?" Verena asked. I look at the line before looking at her.

"I'm good," I say. Verena raised an eyebrow. Her arms crossed over her chest. I bite the inside of my lip. I knew what she wanted.

"Want to try that again?" Verena asked. I smile at her before nodding.

"Whatever looks good, please," I say. Verena smiles before walking away. I watched her walk away. I shake my head before heading towards my table. Ellis and Jaylin were sitting at their usual table. Sophie wasn't at her table. I walk to the other side of Ellis and Jaylin's table. I sit down across from them.

"You aren't eating today?" Jaylin asked.

"Verena is getting me food," I mutter while brushing off imaginary crumbs from the table. Ellis hummed.

"So what is going on between you two?" Ellis asked. I look up at him with a smirk. My lips purse as I try not to blab my mouth about our relationship. Jaylin raised an eyebrow. My eyes land on Verena as she walks over with my tray and hers. I bite my tongue to stay silent.

"She's my girlfriend," I rushed out just as Verena set a tray in front of me. It had a burger and fries. There was grape juice in a bottle. Verena looks at me with a smile and a raised eyebrow. "You just had to show up. I almost kept quiet," I mutter while narrowing my eyes on her.

"Please, you would have said it five seconds from now if you didn't see me," Verena muttered. I elbow her in the stomach causing her to laugh.

"Woah are we sitting with them today?" Matteo asked. I look over and see Airsto, Lucian, Matteo, Valentino, and Valerico. They all had their trays with them. Verena cleared her throat.

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