Chapter 61

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Valeriana's pov

Trey was alive but still unconscious. He just needed to wake up. I've been with him ever since school got out. Valerico and Valentino were with me. They sat beside me as I stared at Trey. Waiting for his eyes to open or a finger to move, waiting for anything. We've been here for five hours, still nothing.

"Is the doctor sure he will wake up?" I asked. My brothers look at me. I had a deep frown on my face. Valentino wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Valerico leaned closer to wrap his arm over Valentino's. Valerico poked my cheek. I smiled at him before poking his cheek. He smiles back before leaning his head against mine.

"He'll wake up, V. Give him time," Valerico says. I sigh before nodding.

"I'm not good at waiting in situations like this," I grumbled. It's hard to wait when you are anxious. The door opens causing my head to snap towards the door. Verena walks into the room. She had a bag in her hands.

"I figured you three were hungry and decided to bring you all some food after my fight tonight," Verena says while pulling containers out of the bag and handing us each a container and plastic utensils.

"Did you win?" Valentino asked. Verena looked at him.

"Of course I did," she says while looking offended he just asked her that, causing me to chuckle.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a fight? I would have wanted to watch," I say. Verena looks at Trey before looking at me.

"Maybe because you wanted to see your brother and were kinda freaking out the rest of the school day," Verena mutters. I narrow my eyes on her.

"Yeah well, his ass hasn't even woken up yet. I could have gone and had something to do besides stare at him this whole time. Why would I want to pass up seeing you covered in sweat and blood? There is just something about you covered in someone else's blood that turns me on," I state. My brothers' mouths drop open as they stare at me. Verena hides her smile by turning her back towards us.

"You did not just admit to that," Valerico gasped.

"You are not right," Valentino shouts. I laugh lightly before looking at my brothers.

"I torture people for fun. The stuff I'm into isn't for the faint of hearts," I state before shoving food into my mouth.

"We don't need to know that!" Valerico screeched while shaking his head. I smirk to myself as I continue to eat. Verena faced us after composing herself.

"Take a seat," Valentino says. Verena raised an eyebrow before looking around the room.

"Take my seat," I say.

"Then where would you sit?" Valerico asked. I smirk at him.

"Verena's lap seems like the perfect place for me to sit," I say. Valerico narrowed his eyes on me.

"Are you guys dating?" Valerico asked. I stand up causing Verena to take my seat. Her arm snaked around my waist before pulling me down onto her lap.

"No," Verena and I state. My brothers both groan. Verena lightly pinched my hip where her hand still touched. I eat a forkful of noodles. My brothers start babbling about how we should be together. They were no longer trying to be subtle. They straight up said we should date and why. After listening to them for around an hour they both said they were going to get us drinks.

"They are so damn clueless," I laugh. Verena chuckles before trailing kisses up my neck. She kissed my jaw before lightly biting it. My stomach tightened as warmth spread through my body. Verena lifted me up before moving me so I was straddling her legs. I leaned in and kissed her. Verena kissed me back immediately. Her hand grabbed my chin lightly.

"So how long have you two kept this from the guys?" Trey asked. I chuckle as Verena pulls away from me. I peck her lips before standing up and taking Valerico's seat. I look at my brother. His eyes were closed before he opened them to look at me. I smile at him.

"A few months," I mutter. Trey gives a lazy smile. His lip was busted. His right eye was swollen shut. Bruises and cuts littered his face. His left cheek was swollen but not enough to make his eye swell. His nose was broken. He had a cut from the bone piercing through his skin. "You look good," I state. I wasn't necessarily lying to him. He looked good compared to what mother would have done.

"I'm sure I do compared to what mother could have done. How bad is it?" Trey asked. I take a picture before moving over to him so he can see. "Shit, I look great," he smiles. I stare at him silently.

"Why did they attack you?" I asked. Trey looks away from my phone. I pull it away and sit back down.

"I just happened to run into them in the bathroom and Luke started making comments to his guys that I was trying to take his girl. Luke threw the first punch. It caught me off guard then they all attacked me. I couldn't defend myself. They broke my arm then my wrist on my other hand. Even after I was on the ground not moving they didn't stop," Trey explained. I nod my head.

"I would like to say we can get them back but I stupidly claimed to kill them in front of the whole cafeteria after attacking them. Now if something happens to them I would be the first suspect," I state while running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah that was stupid of you to do," Trey muttered. I roll my eyes.

"I'll just have Devyn and Kian beat them up. I'll have an alibi if they try to get police involved," I smirk.

"Better have a good one. You threatened to kill them in front of the whole damn school, little love," Verena states. I shake my head.

"That was my bad, honestly," I muttered with a sigh. Verena pats my leg with a smile.

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