author's notes 2023.

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  ALRIGHT HELLO this is me from 2023 i've seen the comments and i wanna make a few clarifications.

1. i wrote this book in 2018 and i use a lot of old cringey internet phrases and memes but for some reason yall don't seem to get the hints that this is an old book

2. a lot of the chapters here were written after season 2 came out. robin/maya wasn't part of the cast yet so pls stop telling me i'm forgetting about her i'm not homophobic ok! i just didn't have time to add her to the rest of the chapters

3. i see some of you oversexualizing the kids like mike and will. keep in mind in this book the kids are about 12-14, so please don't be weird for the love of god. i was also 13 years old when i wrote most of this book

i think that's it. i'm no longer gonna update this anytime soon, so if anything else comes up, then that's that. bye yall!!!

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