Chapter Five

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Predator and prey.

At least, that's how it felt like as the only light that hit him was the moon.

I also notice how he is only covered from the waist down in a black loosely-fitted garment. His movements slow, yet focused as he came closer to me.

My heart started racing at the millions of thoughts running through my mind as I scan around to the weapons in reach. Though I might look frail, I had a couple of run-ins that made up for me not falling victim to mens' traps.

"Don't even think about it."

He warns me, and I don't even know how he knew what was floating around in my mind. 

Currently in a state of survival mode.

"I don't know what your plans are, your majesty..." I swallow as I try to take a step back as he only gets closer. "But I do not feel comfortable right now."

"Good." He shuts me down as I notice a small smirk growing on his face and it only makes that knife on the table beside me look more advantageous. "You shouldn't be."

He moves swiftly as he runs up to me and in that moment I immediately reach for the knife as he sees this and then pulls my wrist before wrapping me up in a no-escape hold; with only my back against his hard chest, his hand gripping my wrist that is now beside my ear as he has a sword up to my neck.

My breathing is heavy and panicked as I realize that I have my other hand free.

Quickly, I elbow his stomach and his reflex is made to step back as I try to slip out of his grip.

It worked for but only a second before I was pushed up against the wall where, somehow, both my hands were in one of his above my head with his sword up to my throat once more.

His body was so close to mine that I couldn't even knee him down there as he made sure that I had no other moves to set onto him. 

"What are you doing?!"

I call out in a panic, looking up to his eyes which are barely visible as the strands of his dark hair is wet and covering half of his face.

"Did Herkles send you?"

His question caught me off guard as I watch him with bafflement.


"Don't act dumb, are you one of his servants sent out by him to get more information on my family so that he can kill us off?"

He is acting out of uncertainty and skepticism, but I have no idea of what or who he is talking about.

"No!" I let out clearly. "I've never heard of such a man and neither was I sent here!" He watches me closely, still not convinced. "If I were sent to kill you, don't you think I'd do it by now?" I spit out. "I was found on the street and asked to be a gift to your brother by your mother! Do you actually think that that is something I wanted?!"

His eyes digs deep into mine as this is the first time that I see them clearly and so close up to me. Completely forgetting about the rule of not looking him in his eyes when he's the only thing in front of me.  

"If I let you go now and you try to run or fight me off, I swear to all the Heavens that I will slit your throat and no questions would be asked about your death."

I blink a few times as I swallow before answering, knowing that every word he says is true.

"I won't fight or run."

My voice is shaky but it seems to get through to him after a few seconds of analyzing me.

Even though it was dark, I could see how his dark brows slowly relaxed and so did his grip on my hands and the sword to my throat.

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