Chapter Seven

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"What is this, Ikol?!"

Pisces rushes up to his brother who is stood atop the throne with his chest bare and a bottle of wine in his hand.

Ikol's eyes landed onto his brother as he barely flinched at the sight of him - I think that the alcohol had finally gone to his head.

"Ah, Pisces! Welcome to the party, I hope you enjoy it-"

Pisces pulls Ikol off of the throne as he notices a few shattered glass and vases left on the floor.

My heart races fast at how upset Pisces is.

Everything inside of me is telling me to run, get away from the wrath that is about to be bestowed onto me by Pisces once he is done with his brother.

However, this is not my fault.

But I also cannot go against the higher powers in the palace. 

Unless I would like to be homeless once more.

Ikol seems to not be able to even balance himself as he was leaning up against Pisces.

Pisces tries to speak some sense into him, but Ikol is long gone.

"Crazy, isn't it?"

Some random person is now stood beside me with a golden cup to his face as he takes a sip.

His eyes studying the two brothers as I watch him in confusion.

"Sorry, what are you-"

"Those two... They're supposed to be representing their Fathers' palace, however, it looks like it is nothing but a joke."

I swallow as I do not know how to reply to him, maybe keeping quiet is much better than joining in on the gossip. 

His eyes finally falls onto me.

They're different from the princes, as their dark and almost black as it matches his hair that is brushed back.

His features are sharp and hard as he is rather tall and toned.

"You're Pisces' servant, aren't you?"

He seems to have a slight smirk forming on his face.

It was a bit hard to hear him over the people and the music playing, but he seems to only have his focus on me right now.

I nod my head at him.

"I am... are you a friend of Ikols'?"

He shrugs slightly as he looks down my body, before coming back up to my face.

"He wouldn't take me as one."

This guy leaves me speechless, and I am not sure if I should even continue to conversate with him as he seems to have a bad aura around him.

"Oh, I see."

"You're of few words, Pisces had trained you well."

I seem to find offense to his last words.

"I may be of few words only because I don't have much to say to you since I do not know you, but I can definitely tell you now that I was not 'trained' by Pisces."

"Hm." His smirk is back this time, tainted with a whole new emotion playing in his eyes this time. "I seem to have misjudged you... Miss..?"

He reaches his hand out for me as I do not want to take it,  but eventually gives in.



He repeats after me as he slowly reaches down to kiss my hand and I couldn't help the disgusted look that formed onto my face.

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