Chapter (1)

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If Bakugou hated something more than the sound of the alarm, it would be what came after. As in synch the loud voice hit his ears and his fist broke yet another device.
She would yell about it, she had warned him not so quietly before, to be more thoughtful about the things he owned, about the things that were bought for him, but she should know better. He had warned her too, in a similar manner.
"Shut up." He yells and the door opens.
An open palm on the back of his head to disciple him and another morning starts poorly.
If she really wanted to try and discipline him, she should be more rough. A half hearted warning, it's something he can senses from afar.
"Get up." She says and opens his window. "You are going to be late."
"Shut up." He tells her. "I am not an old hag to drag my feet."
He refuses to open his eyes.
"Oh? What is it? Are you afraid?" She responds with mockery, just to fuel him. He knows why she does it and it still works. He tosses his blanket, a moment passes and he is on his feet.
He doesn't look at her, if he sees her smiling he would really snap. And then she will ground him, because his mother doesn't care that he isn't a child anymore, she will and then he will miss his first day.
"Take a bath first." He hears her saying as he walks towards the very place she is suggesting.
"What do you think? That I am an idiot?"
She doesn't answer, perhaps because it will cause another fight.
He closes the door with force, earning another scolding.
He can't wait really, to leave this house again.
The water starts flowing and he brushes his hair mindlessly, because the motion comes and goes, but his thoughts are elsewhere.
Today is the first day of the second year.
Today it is the first step to achieve what he is truly meant to achieve.
Because he is destined for greatness. Everyone had said so since he was a child. There was nothing that Katsuki Bakugo couldn't do. Whatever he set his mind. No matter how absurd it was.
Until last year.
Where he set foot in that university which was lucky to have him, he had set foot and he was sure that everything would be played out as before. Everyone trying to catch the trail of his greatness.
Except something seemed off.
From that first day.
And he knew what the initial problem was.
That stupid little cry mash of a person had decided to come to the same place as him.
To study the exact same subject as him.
As if he hadn't annoyed Bakugou enough for three years in school.
But it didn't matter at that time. He still remained the crying idiot loser that he had always been.
Until he wasn't. He was, hell, he still is, a crying idiotic loser, a fucking extra that nagged Bakugou for his attention to this day, but..
But he started being noticed. He started to excel in more things than he himself was.
And Bakugou got angry. And angry always got him results. But this time it wasn't enough.
Because it wasn't only him anymore.
There was another, a fucking walking robot, that had dared to challenge Bakugou's supremacy. And this sorry excuse of a human wasn't even in the same major as him. An extra in the extras.
They had taken the same class, all three of them, maybe some more of the other extras that the green mushy plant had befriended had participated and it set Bakugou on for the kill.
Because he had failed. And it was easy not to fail. As easy as he breaths. And it had still happened.
And he blames all these fucking losers, who are constantly speaking, who had tried once to befriended as if he wasn't suffering enough from their existence. At least they had taken the message and scattered before he would seriously damaged them.
He takes a breath and closes the water.
It is the first day, he tells again and picks up his clothes.
He is destined for greatness in everything he chooses, no matter how unfitting it may seems for him.
He picks up his bag. It is time to leave.
He walks downstairs, ready to finally run away from this house and the old hag and her constant nagging.
His father is standing in front of the table, a breakfast is served for him he says. For good luck and a great year.
He grunts and maybe curses, because he doesn't need luck.
Still he takes a bite from a toasted slice of bread. Just because he likes it. The smile on the old man's face means nothing.
"Behave this year okay?" The loud voice says. "You aren't a child anymore."
He is ready to yell at her, making the departure fitting, but she raises a bag.
"You forgot your camera." She says and brushes his hair roughly. Bakugou moves her hand away and takes it.

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