Chapter (2)

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His full rage is displayed for the world to see. The previous noisy atmosphere is disappearing, everyone watches as he yells above the desk of their teacher. The man seems irritated and slightly bored, his arms are crossed as he takes the fury of his words.
"Are you done?" He says as Bakugou stops to catch his breath. "Good." He answers his own question. While he turns his gaze behind Bakugou's back, he realises that the robot has followed him.
"Are you also displeased with your partner Todoroki?" Aizawa asks.
It takes a moment for the poor excuse of a person to talk.
"I believe, we can work better with different partners." His voice is monotone, not bored, but it lacks something, an edge. And his statement doesn't sit well with Bakugou, because even if he agrees with him, he shouldn't have. He should wish for him to be his partner.
"Good." The teacher says. "You both start minus one point. Anything else?" He says and gets up.
Bakugou opens his mouth to yell again at the absurdity of the situation.
"Do you want to lose another point?" He gives them a side glance and walks away from the classroom.
Bakugou throws his fist at the table. He hears a grasp from someone, then whispers. Frightened little chickens.
"We should meet and discuss our options. Are you free after this?" The robot speaks and Bakugou turns to face him.
His eyes are mismatched and the way he chooses to dye his hair are idiotic for a person who doesn't want to stand out.
He weighs his next move. The only thing he wants is to curse him, to punch that face of his. But he has already lost a point and Aizawa is not one to back down.
"Come at my room after class." He commands.
"Wouldn't the library be a more suitable place?"
"Do you want to die halfie?" Bakugou says and puts his bag on his shoulder.
He just looks at him.
"Noisy." Bakugou says and leaves the class and the robot behind.
Only when he hears the knock on his door, he thinks that he really hates other people inside his room. Then again, he can murder him here and get rid of him once and for all. He opens, but he doesn't move out of the way. The silly little creature just looks at him again.
"You told me after class." He says evenly and Bakugou bites his lips hard to avoid another fight. He is stupid as it seems.
He turns around, the steps behind him, even if they are quiet irritate him.
"Sit." He points to the chair of his desk and he sits on his bed.
The robot leaves the bag he is carrying on the floor and sits down. Mechanically and lifeless. Bakugou scoffs, at none and all, at the very air that the man across breaths. Yet he gets no response. As always.
"We are already one step behind the others." The robot says. "We should try and make the best of the situation, even if the other is not our preferable choice of partner."
"Don't tell me what to do."
"I didn't." The robot answers.
"What would it be your first choice halfie?" Bakugou asks. "Your buddy Deku?"
The man titles his head.
"Oh, you mean Midoriya." He says a moment later. "I know him well enough to consider him a good choice."
Bakugou laughs.
"You are stupid aren't you?" He says.
"I don't see the connection." He responds.
He scoffs again and gets up. He removes his laptop from his bag and sets it up on the desk with a loud bang.
"I am the best." He says with a smirk and opens it. He clicks roughly on the keys until a folder opens. Inside there are his biggest achievements over the course of the years.
The man seems reluctant at first, but after a minute he touches the pad. It takes him another minute and a side glance to Bakugou to start rolling down. Perhaps he waited long enough to be sure that was what he needed to do.
Then his elbow touches the desk and he forgets about how Bakugou is beside him, or that is how he seems and his eyes scan the screen. It takes him some time, more because he stops ever so offer to a photo and just stares at it.
When it ends and Bakugou is sure that it has end, because his expression changed, even if lightly, he doesn't remove his eyes from the screen.
"I am awesome." Bakugou says and the boy touches his chin.
"Perhaps if it was a different theme..." He says under his breath.
"What?" Bakugou asks, but he has heard him.
Only then the mismatched eyes turn to him.
"Those.." He says and he points to his side. "Don't help us with the current project." He concludes.
"Huh?" He bursts.
"There is not a single person in those photos." He says calmly.
"So?" Bakugou asks and the man crosses his arms.
"The theme is person in the city." He informs him as if Bakugou has forgotten.
"Those show my supremacy." Bakugou says and closes the screen roughly.
"Okay." The man answers as if it doesn't interest him, as if anything Bakugou had said would be the same.
"So it is not that you can't photograph people." The eyes across seem more focused now.
"There is not something I can not do. I choose not to." Bakugou responds.
"Why?" There is a curiosity in his voice.
"Because people are boring."
There is a silent oh.
He sits on his bed again. This whole interaction has tired him.
"So I am going to choose the location and you are going to write something after I take the photo." He believes it is time to conclude the visit.
"I don't think that is the right way to approach it." The man believes otherwise. "We should discuss more of what we want to show specifically.."
"Listen to me halfie. I am the leader of this project."
"How did we conclude to that?" The question comes again.
"Like this..I said it and you will agree to it." He wants to disperse any thoughts that the other man would have.
"That is not how a partnership works." He insists and Bakugou believes he just doing it to get on to his nerves.
"We are not partners." He yells because the man has achieved it. He is mad.
"We are. For this project at least." He says with his monotonous voice.
"Get out." Bakugou rises from his bed, but the other doesn't follow.
"We still haven't discussed this through."
"I don't do discussions. Are you programed to be stupid?"
He blinks. One, two, three times.
"Because you are a robot fucking moron." He answers to the dumb look on the face across, because it is clear that he didn't get it.
"Oh." He says and turns the chair to the desk again. "I think we should discuss one more issue."
Is he really stupid? Is he cocky? He doesn't know, because he has just thrown him out and it feels like he didn't say it with words.
"I am not particularly good at creative writing." He says. "I believe you should know that, before we proceed."
Just what was missing. This extra can not even do his part well. Could this get any more worse?
"Fuck my luck." He says even if he doesn't believe in luck.
He throws his back on the mattress.
"And what can you do mister droid?"
"I can try." He answers and Bakugou doesn't have the energy to argue anymore.

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