Chapter (5)

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The next days pass quickly. Bakugou is busy processing the photos that he's taken, deciding from one split of a second to the next. He would much like to stay in his room all day to do just that, but he has no tolerance for skipping classes. So he attends the lessons at day and works as soon as they end.
He hasn't seen the robot much, a passing at a corridor, a glance between doorframes. He hasn't nudged him either, so when he finishes, he rewards him. He sends the picture in a heartbeat and then decides to take a moment to look at it.
He hates to admit it, but the girl, Aya-san, a flat voice in his mind repeats as if her name is relevant, did a good job. It really speaks a story. Even if no one can listen to it, mostly because of their stupidity.
He turns to his phone, waiting. For what?
It's late and he should probably sleep. So he does just that.
The next day ends with the same feel of expectancy. And the next.
He wakes up already in a mood. He hasn't slept well, disturbed by the faintest of noises and knocks never heard. He focuses on classes, but the breathing around them is too loud as if they are all fucking animals. By noon, he is certain, he will murder someone.
Kirishima sits on his side, telling a story about his summer vacations, making weirdo one and two giggle. They will be his first victims in his killing spree.
"No way." Alien weirdo almost screams.
"Yeah, yeah.." Kirishima nods enthusiasticly, shaking the table with his body. "And there was a hidden..."
"Shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up." Bakugou hits the table and glares at them.
Blonde idiot is taken aback.
"Someone is moody." Alien weirdo speaks and her sparkled make up dizzies him.
"Not manly Bakubro." Kirishima throws an arm at his shoulder.
He flinches on the nickname that Kirishima knows he hates, and asks himself if he is doing it on purpose.
"What's wrong? Talk to your buddies."
He throws the arm on his back.
"You are not my fucking buddies." He raises his voice.
"Someone is struggling with the project." The blonde idiot says playfully.
And Bakugou gets up, because he decides not to be a murderer today.
He stays in his room all afternoon. Studying as he should be. Thinking of the next location. If it will be a next one. If the lazy ass of Todoroki decides to write something. Clearly he can't even write a response to his picture, so maybe he is asking him for a bit too much. Fuck. He gets up. He knows who will be the first to die.
He passes the students, returning back after the afternoon classes. If anyone touches him, it would be his unlucky day. But nobody does, perhaps they see the fury in his eyes.
He knocks on the door and he is almost taken aback when ponytail opens.
If he was angry before, now he is mad.
"Bakugou-san." She says.
"Move." Bakugou says, not sparing a glance at her.
She does, because now he walks to the room and sees Todoroki. He is sitting in front of his laptop, his back turned on him.
He is looking at a picture. An unfamiliar one. With a very familiar face.
"Todoroki, Bakugou is here." She tells him and only then his eyes move from the screen.
"Oh." Is his only response.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Bakugou shouts and Todoroki crosses his arms.
"I am helping Yaoyorozu." He answers as if it is the most logical thing in the world. As if he hadn't ignored him for three days now. As if the picture on his screen shouldn't be his.
"She wanted an honest opinion for their first picture." He adds.
"She fucking did huh?"
"I'm sorry, is there a problem?" Todoroki asks.
"No, no fucking problem. Let me give my honest opinion then." He takes a step forward and leans closer to the screen.
Technically speaking the picture is good. It has room for improvement, but still it's fine for an extra. What it lacks though is that little something.
He eyes the man whose head is little shorter than his as he is sitting still at the chair.
He hasn't answered him for this?
"It's a piece of trash." He says and hears ponytail grasp.
"It is not. If you only have insults.." Todoroki says, but doesn't finish his sentence before Bakugou stops him.
"Do you want insides pretty boy? It's just a girl with nice facial features. The place is irrelevant, a background anyone would forget and they are only relying on her face to get some points. Superficial and cheap." He never leaves his eyes as he speaks.
There's a noise on their side, making Todoroki turn. He follows right after.
"It's.." Ponytail speaks. "He's right. I should have come with a better idea to help Ashido, but I got none. So I went along with her plan."
Todoroki is silent. And angry. Like Bakugou cares.
"So what I should do?" She doesn't speak to him and he sees as the boy searchs for an answer to give her.
"If you are not happy with the results, you should try again. Not everyone gets it on their first try." He says honestly and Bakugou scoffs.
But Todoroki ignores him and focuses on the girl's small smile.
"You should abandon your plan." Bakugou tells to no one really.
"If she wants you as the model, focus on the area and not you. Got it?" He says.
"You are helping..." She says quietly and shakes her head. "You mean..."
"I mean a pretty face means nothing." He adds. "Not for this project, not for Aizawa. The city focus is best for you. Tell the freak not to be boring like that." He adds at last.
She stills seems startled. Not sure if she misheard.
"Now move. Out." He tells her and he sees how her face is almost reassured by his rudeness.
"It's my room."
"No, I should probably.." She looks between them. "Since Bakugou gave me an idea.."
She wants to stay.
"Okay. If you are sure." The boy gives her a smile. He is truly an idiot.
"Yeah, yes. We will talk later. Maybe come hang out when we have spare time." She says.
"Yes. Of course." He tells and he misses the light in her eyes.
Bakugou stands still, as she unwillingly leaves.
"I don't appreciate the behaviour, but at least you helped her somehow."
To get rid of her, Bakugou thinks, for a moment until his rage comes back.
"Really halfie? You don't appreciate it? Like I give a fuck."
"What do you want?" Todoroki asks with a voice slightly raised.
"Do you have the time to help others?" Bakugou hisses. "To fool around with girls?"
"I wasn't fooling around. We weren't watching a movie or something, I was helping a friend."
Bakugou isn't sure if he is supposed to beat him or laugh. He chooses neither.
"Did you do your part?" He asks and Todoroki is silent.
"Do you think I am fucking playing?"
"I'm sorry." He answers firmly, honestly.
"For being bored?" Bakugou tastes the question that's bugging him, but cowers for a second.
"I am not bored." Todoroki responds again and his brows forrow slightly.
But Bakugou is not a coward. Never has been.
"Is my picture that uninspiring to you?" He shouts. "You better check your eyes be.."
"It's not that." His features soften to be deformed ever so lightly. "It's the opposite." He says.
Bakugou watches him as he thinks. He believes he is thinking.
"I did wrote my part. The night you send me the picture."
Why didn't you respond then?
"So? What's the problem?"
"It's not fitting."
"Show me."
He stays still and Bakugou realises that he is afraid. Or doubtful. He isn't sure.
"Fuck Todoroki, show me."
He says and the name slips somehow through his mouth. And it does feel weird saying it out loud, as he had thought it would.
But the boy complies. He passes beside him and Bakugou moves almost afraid in the potential brush of their shoulders. No, not afraid. He isn't afraid. It would be..weird like him saying his name again.
Todoroki lifts his pillow and takes out his notebook. He sits at his bed and opens it at the page.
"Here." He says and Bakugou sits at his side. It occurs to him, after the notion that he should have just taken it.
The clean handwriting is there, tidy and mechanical as if he writes with a ruler between the letters.
There's a small sigh that catches his attention, too small, too hidden, but they are too close for Bakugou to miss it.
He focuses on the letters again, until words are formed.

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