Chapter (3)

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Kirishima ends up arranging a meeting. Bakugou sits at the wall, looking annoyed at the few people that Kirishima chose. They don't cut it. But he caves, because really noone has a face that Bakugou wants to actually photograph. The robot sits at a chair, just a few steps ahead. He is taking their contact information. He can at least do that much.
This is dragging for too long and when is about to burst, the last person finally leaves the classroom that is filled with the smell of paint and paper.
"So what did you think?" Kirishima says with his excited smile.
Bakugou chuckles.
"You can at least be a little grateful." He responds playfully.
"Thank you Kirishima-san." The robot says and gets up from his chair, only to bow slightly at the man who is his self-proclaimed friend.
"No need to thank me Todoroki. I know how he can be." He laughs. "We are friends after all."
"We are not." Bakugou scoffs.
"Not manly." Kirishima responds, but he is not hurt. They have done this exchange many times.
The robot just looks, as if he is a little lost.
"Let's go." Bakugou says and the robot follows.
"Can we stop by the library?" He tells him when they are finally out of the room.
"What for?" He asks, not really thrilled about the suggestion.
"We haven't really talked and I would like to.."
"Not happening." Bakugou stops him.
"You said.." The robot starts with his serious voice. It has an edge that one, easily missed if you don't listen carefully.
"Let's go." He starts to walk, but the man doesn't follow him. "What is it now?" Bakugou turns.
"We agreed to work on this properly." He tells him.
"Are we going to do it in the corridor? Are you dumb or something?"
He stays there still. Expressionless.
"Move you fucking dork. I know a place." Bakugou raises his voice and only then the other man makes a step.
He passes through the gate and makes a left turn. He doesn't look at his side, not directly at least but the robot sure follows him. He doesn't ask again, where they are going or anything else. There is a park two blocks ahead and if you take another turn to the right, there is a small cafe, queit and mostly unknown. He had sat there with his old man last year.
There are kids still playing in the park, throwing a ball that almost misses him. Bakugou glares and the kids are frightened, but the robot leans down, takes the ball and gives it to them. They scatter after that.
It would be a nice place here, if the people were less, if their noises didn't echoed through the trees. It will not be long, he thinks when he looks at the leaves that are starting to grow red. The chill weather will remove them from here.
The noise of hands clasping together, make Bakugou turn to the robot. It seems as if he is trying to remove an invisible dirt. Then he looks at his face. The scar on his left side looks like a leaf.
"What?" The robot asks.
He never answers.
They sit down and they order. Bakugou stares outside the window, but he knows the robot looks at him. He wants to ask questions, but he finally submits to the silence.
It's after their order comes, after he takes a sip or two that he speaks.
"So?" He only says, but it's enough to make Bakugou to glare.
"Why are we here?" Unfazed as always he continues.
"To discuss, without all the noisy extras."
Bakugou rests his face on his palm and observes him. He seems satisfied for now.
"I have decided what we are going to do." He says. "I am going to photograph the best, the most striking parts of the city."
"And what about the..."
"Shut up and let me finish."
He chuckles, waits for a moment and then continues. "And I am going to put a person on each one that will make the place almost irrelevant."
He is confused. His brows are slightly up. He can make an expression or two as it seems.
"I thought you found people boring. I was under the impression that you would highlight the city instead of the person."
"You would think that huh?" He mocks him. "But how perfect am I for not going for my strongest aspect?" He says.
He doesn't answer, but his confusion isn't erased.
"We will do a different site, different person." He adds.
"You told me that it will be one before."
"I changed my mind." He raises his voice slightly.
"Will that be a frequent occurrence?" The robot asks.
"I am telling you my plan. Are you going to listen or what?" God, how he annoys him. He didn't seem to interrupt the loser when he explained the other day.
"Sorry." He speaks then.
"So, we are going to search for the places starting tomorrow. Then I am going to decide which of the losers the idiot hair brought, will be more suited for each. I am going to take the photo and then you..." He points at him. "Are going to squeeze that head of yours to write down something decent."
Now he is worried. He looks at the table. Then outside.
"Not that it matters." Bakugou tells him and he turns. "My photos will be the main theme. So write down whatever."
"I..I am thinking something like an ongoing poem." He says.
"Finally a contribution." Bakugou scoffs and he misses the slight upraise of the other man's lips.
"Drink your coffee." Bakugou says and they don't talk after that.
The wind is more chilly when they leave. The sun is setting, but there is still light in the sky.
He is glad he brought a jacket. Autumn is tricky.
They take a step and he sees the robot brushing his arm. What an idiot. He wore a t shirt in a day like this. The school isn't far. He just has to endure for a while. He does it again and again, but his unchanged expression is the only thing on his face. It irritates him, the constant movement.
"Stop moving your hands every five seconds." He says and the robot looks at him.
"I didn't think it will be this cold by now." He responds.
"You are such a loser." Bakugou scoffs and puts off his jacket. He pushes it to the robot chest.
"Here. Take that and stop being such a bother."
He takes it indeed, but he doesn't put it on.
"Won't you be cold?" He asks, somewhat surprised.
"I wore long sleeves. I am not a total idiot."
He observes the jacket once more, until he decides to wear it.
"Thank you." The robot says, but he isn't a robot anymore. No. He has a name Bakugou thinks. Shoto Todoroki is smiling.

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