Chapter Four

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*The Unexpected surprise*

Plot: Russell Westbrook was at home in Long Beach when his mother noticed that he rushed to the kitchen sink and started throwing up. His mother knew something was up and she decides to drive him to the hospital for the checkup. However, Russell was unaware that he was pregnant.

Long Beach, California

Russell was eating breakfast with his family when he starts to feel nauseous while eating. "Russ, are you alright?" His mother asked. "No mom, I think I'm going to throw up," Russ goes to the kitchen sink and throws up his breakfast. You could hear the retching sound in the dining room as Raynard noticed his older brother was vomiting. "Russ, you look like a mess! What happened?" "Oh it's nothing, it's just the waffles that didn't sit well with me," Although Russell Westbrook never had any problems with his mother's cooking and his favorite were the waffles when he was a kid. However, his mother was starting to suspect Russell Westbrook could be pregnant.

Mrs. Westbrook: so Russ, what seems to be a problem?

Russell Westbrook: Mom, I'm concerned of late.

Mrs. Westbrook: why? What happened?

Russell Westbrook: I started to feel nauseous every time I do some exercise and eating. When we went out with Kevin Durant at the Korean restaurant, I felt nauseated again. Not only that, my sleep patterns and appetite were changing drastically.

Mrs. Westbrook: I see and were you feeling dizzy?

Russell Westbrook: yes mom.

Mrs. Westbrook: Okay, when did you start having those symptoms?

Russell Westbrook: Yesterday and this morning mom.

Mrs. Westbrook: Oh okay, and have you taken the pregnancy test yet?

Russell Westbrook: No.

Mrs. Westbrook: How about this? We can go to the clinic and find out what's going on?

Russell Westbrook: Okay.

Next, she takes Russell to the clinic to find out what was going on. Russell explained to the nurse that he was feeling nauseous, dizzy and tired at all times. Not only that, he was experiencing morning sickness which is something that Russell would be dealing with till he reaches to his 2nd trimester. Somehow, the nurse placed the gel on his belly and noticed there was a cell that could grow a baby. In the meantime, Russell Westbrook wasn't having a flu, he was pregnant. The nurse confirmed to Russell that he is expecting a baby. Russell was confused.

Russell Westbrook: I'm pregnant? No that's impossible.

Nurse: have you had any sexual contact with anyone for the past few months?

Russell Westbrook: No I don't think so.

Nurse: Oh okay. Although, you have another prenatal check up coming next week.

Russell Westbrook: Okay.

After going to the clinic, Russell's mother was surprised when she knew that Russ was pregnant. "Mom, how could this happen?" He was still shocked. "I thought it was some kind of flu," "Well it could be something you're dealing with Russell, but this is the first trimester of your pregnancy," Mrs. Westbrook said. In a shocking way, Russell Westbrook realized his mother had known anything about pregnancy and birth.

Russell Westbrook: Mom, you're kidding right?

Mrs. Westbrook: No Russ, I wouldn't be playing with that kind of stuff like that.

Russell Westbrook: I know I'm sorry.

Mrs. Westbrook: that's okay and I bought you the pregnancy test.

Russell Westbrook: thanks mom oh and please don't tell dad about this, I don't want him to know this.

Mrs. Westbrook: I know baby.

Russell goes upstairs to his room to take the pregnancy test in the bathroom and waited for a few minutes to get the results. Few minutes later, the results came back with two lines: pregnant.

Russell Westbrook💭: Damn it! What was I thinking?

Russell takes a picture of his positive pregnancy test and sent it to Kevin Durant.

Later on,

Russell's phone rings.

Russell Westbrook: Kevin?

Kevin Durant: Hey baby, how was the appointment? Did you take the pregnancy test?

Russell Westbrook: it's been alright and yes I took the pregnancy test, it was positive.

Kevin Durant: oh wow! I'm so excited. I'm going to be a father.

Russell Westbrook: and I'm going to be a mom.

Kevin Durant: Did your mother know about what happened?

Russell Westbrook: yes she knew and she was fine with it, but I don't want to tell my dad about it.

Kevin Durant: how come?

Russell Westbrook: because my dad will get mad at me.

Kevin Durant: Okay no worries.

Russell Westbrook: so what are you up to right now?

Kevin Durant: not much, I'm at my grandma's house helping with the chores. I'll be coming to Long Beach to see you this week.

Russell Westbrook: okay. I miss you.

Kevin Durant: I miss you too baby.

Russell Westbrook: you take care and give your hugs and kisses to your grandma and your family from me ok?

Kevin Durant: I will. Love you 😘

Russell Westbrook: Love you too! 😘🥰

He ended the call as Russell stares at his positive test.

Russell Westbrook POV:

Damn! What will my dad think when I tell him that I'm pregnant? Besides, I didn't want him to know since I could be in trouble with my dad when it comes to unplanned pregnancies. Good thing my brother didn't deal with it but me, I would have to deal with it for the rest of the NBA season. Anyways, should I tell my dad that I'm pregnant? Yes or no? Not to mention, he would be very upset with me since he knows that I'm very young to become a mother.

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