James dads

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At Eric and EJ house*

James knock on the door and his pops answers it

EJ: hey son come in

James: dad do you remember my second oldest Oliver

EJ: yes of course come in you hungry

Oliver: sure

EJ: James how are you

James: I'm fine pops love what you done with the place

EJ: there's some tension between the two of you

James: pops

EJ: what is going on

Oliver: I lied to dad about a school program in Italy so I can travel instead

EJ: sounds like you

James: pops

EJ: no you lied to us when you were fifteen so you can travel the world before your senior year

Oliver: oh you told never told me that story

EJ: did he tell you that you got his ass whooped for lying to us

Oliver: no

James: I thought I was slick

Eric: babe I got the groceries

EJ: thank you

Eric: your welcome

Justin: this heavy and this is the gayest house I had ever seen

J.J: welcome to my grandpa's house

EJ: is that mini James

J.J: hey papa

EJ: come give me a hug

J.J: daddy and Ollie what are you doing here

EJ: came to see my old ass

James: pops

EJ: you know I'm old

J.J: daddy was you alive for their wedding

James: I was like three when they got married

Justin: wait a second you guys are EJ and Eric the power couple of Richmond high school

J.J: what no way

Justin: look

J.J: you guys are legendary grandpa why didn't you say something

Oliver: you have more stories about dad

EJ: when he married your mom

James: pops no

Oliver: it's okay dad I can handle it

James: your sure

Oliver: yeah I'll be fine

J.J: I wanna hear this

Justin: me too copycat

James: you too cut it out

EJ: what's going here

J.J: nothing

EJ: don't you lie to me

James: tell him

EJ: I may be old but not stupid so spill

James: pops would you stop saying that

James got up and join his father in the kitchen

EJ: boy I am old go ahead

In the kitchen*

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