New rules part 2

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At James house*

In James office

James: what has gotten into to you today

J.J: nothing

James: no I don't want to hear that  what's wrong with you

J.J: daddy it wasn't fair Oliver gets to do whatever he wants but I get treated like a baby it's not fair

James: so what that gives you the right to attack him

J.J: I'm sorry

James: your apologizing to the wrong person

J.J: okay I'll go apologize

James: after your spanking

J.J: i don't want that

James: I don't care what you want you know I don't tolerate violence especially when it comes to your own family

J.J: daddy

James sits on the couch

J.J: daddy no I won't do it again

James: you know I just spanked you for last night and you'll back at it again

J.J: I'm sorry

James: over my knee and since you don't know how to behave your grounded for three weeks no phone no tv no Travis let's go over my knee

J.J: no daddy please

James: do I have to get my belt

J.J lays over his dads knee and cries and James starts spanking him for 20 minutes straight

20 minutes later

J.J started screaming and kicking his legs

James: get your butt to your room and I don't want to hear a sound from you until dinner time do you understand me

J.J: yes daddy

James: if I hear a word from your mouth I will smack you do I make myself clear

J.J: yes daddy

James: get off my lap and go to your room now

J.J gets off his dads lap and runs upstairs to his room and close the door and cries into his pillow and rubs his butt and James follows him and goes check on Oliver

In Oliver's room*

James walks into Oliver room and saw him crying and James sits on the bed

Oliver: dad it's my fault

James: hey don't you ever said that it's not your fault and your brother will apologize to you when he calms down

Oliver: dad

James: yeah

Oliver: I think I should go live with grandpa and pop

James: why

Oliver: because you have to keep a close eye on J.J

James: your staying right here

Oliver: fine can I at least go on the weekend

James: sure if it's okay with them but your brother hitting you is not your fault

Oliver: but dad

James: look at me

Oliver looks at his dad

James: it's not your fault okay

Oliver: okay dad

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